American Literature-Other assignment

Week 3- American Literature Assignment

Identify a character from both a fiction (Zitkala-Sa, Alexie’s “Pawn Shop,” Wright, or Ellison) and a nonfiction (Tecumseh, Jacobs, or Douglass) piece that we have read this week. First, show how the character is limited in his or her role in society (excluded from the American Dream), and then explain specifically how that character pushes against boundaries imposed by society.

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American Literature-Other assignment
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300 words minimum (excluding quotations and citations)

Include two properly integrated and cited quotations one from each work) to support your claims. You may use either direct or paraphrased quotes.


There is a no-research policy in place for this class. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment. Contact your instructor if you have questions about this policy.


(PS: Our Textbook: The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter 9th Edition (2 book set) Nina Baym, ed.mW.W. Norton & Company)

ISBN: 9780393666335

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