Theory Application 2

This assignment requires you to apply the theory that you analyzed and evaluated in the previous assignment to the case study that you developed.

You will address the following:

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  • Describe your client. Provide a summary of your case study.
  • Identify the case goals you will work on with the client and the techniques and interventions you will use. Be specific and make sure the case goals, techniques, and interventions align with your chosen theory.
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of a specific psychotherapeutic approach for diverse populations by discussing the strengths and limitations of using this theory with your client’s cultural attributes.
  • Evaluate how this theory aligns with your own philosophy, values, and views of the therapeutic process.

Assignment Requirements

  • Template: Use the Unit 10 Assignment Template [DOCX], linked in the Resources, to complete this assignment.
  • References: You must have a minimum of 5 scholarly resources. All references must be from peer-reviewed academic journals and should be no more than 7 years old. The optional readings for each unit will help you begin your research. A seminal book may substitute for one journal article. You must use proper APA style to list your references. Refer to the APA Style and Format (linked in the Resources) campus page for more information.
  • Length of paper: The body of the paper must be 3–4 pages, not including the reference lists, abstract, or the title page.
  • Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the project and do not detract from the overall message. Your paper should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills.
  • Formatting: Use the current APA formatting, including correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no skipped lines before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, one-inch margins all around, and no bullets. Refer to the APA Style and Format campus page for more information.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Submission Requirements

You are required to submit your final version of this paper to SafeAssign prior to submitting it for grading. Submit your work as a draft to check for any necessary edits. Once the paper is finalized and all edits have been made, submit the final version to your instructor for grading using the following file naming format: Your_Name_AssignmentNumber_AssignmentTitle (example: Ima_Learner_u03a1_ClientDescription).

Verify you have reviewed your SafeAssign report by providing the following comment in the assignment area: “I verify that I have reviewed the SafeAssign report for this assignment and this work meets academic honesty expectations.”

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

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