Tencent Holdings Ltd

Please based on the last part “Alternatives” of the following analysis, the best option chosen by us is Maintain the same strategy, provide recommendation and implantation plan.


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Tencent Holdings Ltd
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A clear identification of the selected alternative, matched with supporting arguments and a specific implementation plan.

  • a) Recommendation: Why is this alternative the most appropriate? Using strategic management concepts, defend the alternative, outline the expected results and support the argument with a summary of how it fairs against the decision criteria.
    • Highlight your recommendation’s key benefits, and sell it as to why it is the best solution
    • Chosen recommendation aligned with body of analysis and in particular with Problem statement
    • Understanding different levels of strategies
  • b) Actions Plan: Brief implementation plan provided
    • Identify required resources (most probably financial), contingencies, etc.
      • Who: the marketing department will execute the solution
      • What: the plan is to invest on more marketing and promotion in order to reach retailor and increase local sales
      • When: first online study, then social media marketing strategy before implementation
      • Where: new marketing campaign should carry out mainly online; certain retailers’ locations (restaurants, bars) may be
      • How: focus on twitter, Instagram, Facebook, corporate e-mail (with retailers), face-to-face-meeting.
    • Identify timeline: Short term, intermediate, & Long term: based on the questions above

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