Health assignment.

Determine the grams of protein required per day.

1. Determine body weight. If weight is measured in pounds, convert to kilogram by dividing by 2.2:

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Weight in lbs = weight in kg Example: 150 lbs/ 2.2 = 68 kg.

2.2 lbs/kg

2. Multiply weight in kilograms by the grams of protein per kilogram recommended for your specific gender and life stage group (see below).

Adults– age 19 and older = 0.8 g/kg/day, Adolescents- Age 9-13 = 0.95, Age 14-18 = 0.85

Example: A 23 year old woman weighing 68 kg would require 0.8 g/kg/day x 68 kg = 54.4 grams of protein per day.

Answer the following based on the serving sizes for protein for your calculated needs. Make sure you tell us why or why not and include the method of measurement that you are using to determine this.

1. What are your needs (Show your math)?

2. Do you believe you over consume protein? Why or Why not/How are you determining this?

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