Discussion board

Please submit your answers to all questions in complete sentences—-not incomplete statements or bullet points.

(1) Identify two companies that, in your opinion, reflect high ethical values and behaviors when conducting their business and marketing activities. Explain in four or more sentences why you selected each of the two companies. (Type (a) the name of the company first and then type your comments. After that, type (b) the name of the company and then type your comments).

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(2) Identify two companies that, in your opinion, reflects very poor ethical values and behaviors when conducting their business and marketing activities. Explain in four or more sentences why you selected each of the two companies. (Type (a) the name of the company first and then type your comments. After that, type (b) the name of the company and then type your comments).

(3) Identify one company that you personally purchase goods and/or services from that has a reputation of demonstrating a high level of social responsibility by giving back to its community and/or by supporting causes that help others. Explain in four or more sentences why you selected that particular company.

(4) (a) What are the three things that are motivating you the most to purchase a college education?(b) Do you believe that your investment in purchasing your education will have long term benefits for you and your family? (c) If so, what types of benefits do you expect? OR (c) If not, why not? Please explain in detail.

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