Complete Psychology Assignment

The Week 2 Worksheet allows you to analyze the Faculty mock counseling demonstrations found in the resources area and assess your ability to identify instances where the nonverbal microskills of Attending Behaviors are used. Then, you practice documenting your observations using objective language. You present the information gathered externally from the media, and from internal signals you sense. You are asked to conduct an experiment exploring the power of a microskill called Minimal Verbal and Nonverbal Encouragers. Finally, you self-reflect and recognize how a client might be feeling. All of these activities develop your awareness of the impact that subtle micro-actions have upon another person with whom we are interacting.

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  • Review this week’s Learning Resources. Specifically download and review the Week 2 Worksheet, which you will use and complete all four parts for this Assignment.
  • Review the Opening the Session: Nonverbal Microskills media program, in the Learning Resources for this week. Notice how each of three Faculty demonstrate a self-introduction to a client and present informed consent.

The Assignment:

  • Complete the Week 2 Worksheet. Compose your answers directly in the worksheet template.

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