BUSINESS 1110 Individual Weekly Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to integrate the course material into basic understanding for students by applying and analyzing business theories and topics, practicing business writing skills, develop or strengthen student’s aptitude for personal reflection, increase student’s awareness of businesses in the media and to provide an alternate evaluation method for those students who find “testtaking” difficult.   This weekly assignment is worth 40% of your course grade.


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BUSINESS 1110 Individual Weekly Assignment
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On Moodle, you will find a tab for each week of the semester.  On the tab for each week, you will find an assignment link.  In the assignment link, you will find topics that relate to the material that will be covered in the chapter.


The assignment requires you to prepare a summary that includes three elements:

  1. Personal interpretation/view of the topic;
  2. Academic research or industry news articles to support and justify your views with intext citations;
  3. Textbook connection to support and justify the theory behind the topic within text citations.


The assignments must be submitted on Moodle prior to the deadline.


Format Options

You can choose from the following formats to prepare your assignment in, however, throughout the semester you will have to use a minimum of 4 different formats:

  • Written report
  • Presentation
  • Video
  • Letter
  • Memo
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Executive Summary
  • Graphic Report
  • Excel Report
  • Blog
  • Vlog



The following instructions must be fully met for the “followed instructions” marks.

  • All submissions are to be uploaded on Moodle.
  • All work must be cited using APA format for in text citation and include a bibliography/works cited section.
  • Assignment must include the three elements: personal thoughts/opinions, research justification and textbook theoretical concept.
  • Late assignments will receive a 0. (Moodle has a time stamp and will notify you if late) There are no exceptions.
  • Please save your document with the following naming convention “FIRST NAME_LAST NAME_Week#_ASSIGNMENT“.
  • Use spell and grammar check and ensure your writing level is at a university level for English grammar.
  • Assignment needs to be professionally formatted.



You will find the marking rubric on Moodle.  Please review the marking outline to help you make sure you get the mark you are hoping for.




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