Book review report

In your review, briefly describe the content of the book, identifying key assumptions and conclusions, the most important ideas of the authors, and your opinion on them. The main focus of your review is to provide a critical analysis of the book, using criteria mentioned in the Part B of the grading rubric below. Your analysis should lead to a justified conclusion: whether you will recommend this book to your colleagues and classmates or not and why. You also need to assess relevance/applicability of the concepts of the book in both overall business settings and personal work settings.

Before you start working on your review, you should thoroughly explore the grading rubric at the end of this instruction and clearly identify key elements based on which your review will be assessed.

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Book review report
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●Critical thinking must be demonstrated to get a good mark

●Address each of the categories below: Purpose and Audience, Authority, Accuracy & Reliability, Objectivity, Currency, and Coverage. The body of this paper should use the headings given in the grading rubric.

●The paper should be at least 3000 words and should be written as a professional book review.

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