Writing Assignment

Need a 3 paper (and a reference paper) assignment in APA format on topic “Data breach prevention & Risk Management” from below outline. References should be scholarly from journals or books. References from web pages should be avoided.

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
    1. What is a data breach?
    2. Types of data breaches?
    3. What data can be stolen in data breach?
  3. Consequences of data breaches on a company.
    1. Examples from history
  4. Cyber Security and Implementation
    1. Training employees about breaches.
    2. Cyber Threat management
    3. Protection of Information
    4. Ban data transferring
    5. Restricted downloads
    6. No use of unencrypted device
    7. Secure password
    8. Monitoring data leakage
  5. Data breach prevention & Risk Management.
  6. Cyber security tools
    1. Detection
    2. Prevention
  7. Conclusion
  8. References

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