Purpose of Strategic Audit

prepare a paper telling me your understanding of the purpose and what a strategic audit is, does, and entails. Please review the Rubric for details: (1,000 word maximum, single-spaced, and 12 point Times New Roman font)

  • S – structure – does the introductory paragraph explain what the paper is about, and what the remaining paragraphs will attempt to state or prove? Are the subsequent paragraphs succinct and functional?
  • C – content – were the ideas logically presented? Was there enough detail present? Was it concrete rather than abstract?
  • A – accuracy – spelling, punctuation, format, sentence structure. If you are not a good– Good – writer in English, make certain that you have someone proofread this for you. I will deduct points for spelling, punctuation, improper word usage, and so forth. Be Forewarned. I love the English language, and it hurts me to see it mutilated.
  • N – noteworthiness – does the paper show that the student understands the concept of a strategic audit and has original thoughts concerning the content?

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Purpose of Strategic Audit
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