Project on diagram
Your project topic is “Car Dealership”. You may develop a database for any department(s) or service(s) related to a car dealership. When working on the project, make sure to follow all the guidelines given in the Project Description
Project Description: This class project gives you an opportunity to apply the ideas and concepts of relational databases that you have learned in the course. You will be required to design and implement a relational database for a given scenario. Project topics may be found on Blackboard in the Project Description section under the Project Topics link.
To simulate the implementation of a real-life database, you will start with requirements elicitation for a given scenario. After all the basic functional and non-functional requirements have been gathered, you will start designing the database. In this process, you will need to first design the database schema, showing in detail all the relations, data types, relationships, and constraints to be used in the database. You must draw schema diagrams using Microsoft Visio. After the design phase is over (Part 1), you will actually implement the schema in MySQL by creating the required tables with appropriate data types together with relationships and constraints. Next, you will populate all the relations in the database with valid data. The final phase of the project is the retrieval of data from the database. This will be Part 2 of the project.
Part I:
Part I is 60% of the total grade of the project:
- 5% for the draft
- 55% for the final result
The draft must include at least the description of your company, business rules, and an ERD. Print out your draft and submit it at the beginning of class on the day when Test 1 is scheduled. Discuss the draft of the project with your instructor at the end of class. If the draft is approved by the instructor, you need to complete the project, get it into Microsoft Word format, and upload the file through the SafeAssign: Project, Part I Submission link on Blackboard before the project is due.
Part I consists the following sections:
- Title Page that includes:
- Title of the project
- Course name
- Course number
- Name of the student
- Description that includes:
- Screen shot from Blackboard confirming your topic
- Description of the company (1 paragraph)
- Business requirements for the database (1 paragraph)
Business requirements will explain why your company needs a database, what kind of data you are planning to store in the database, and how your company is going to utilize this data.
- Business Rules:
- Each business rule must follow the format used in class
- Each business rule must describe a relationship in both directions
- Each entity and each relationship used in the database must be described in this section
- Each entity and each relationship described in this section must be presented on the ERD
- Entities that includes:
- Entity’s name
- Entity’s description
- List of attributes
- Data type of each attribute (numeric, text, or date)
- Sample data for each attribute
- Constraints (PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, UNIQUE, NULL where applicable)
Each entity must be described in the section. You must have a minimum of 4 entities. The total number of entities recommended is 4-5.
- Relationships that includes:
- A copy of a specific business rule from the Business Rules section for each relationship described here.
- Relationship’s type: 1:1, 1:M, M:N. Use business rules to justify your decision.
- Relationship strength: strong or weak. Use business rules to justify your decision.
- Optionality for both sides of each relationship: mandatory or optional. Use business rules to justify your decision.
Each relationship must be described in the section. Each M:N relationship must be resolved and described.
- Crow’s Foot Entity Relationship Diagram:
- ERD must be consistent with business rules and descriptions
- ERD must show all entities and their attributes, relationships, connectivities, constraints, optionality and cardinalities
- Tables and attributes names must follow naming conventions used in class
- Each relationship must be properly labeled

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