The impact of inflation on business and trade

Final Project Requirements


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The impact of inflation on business and trade
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Choose one of the following topics to research and prepare a report or presentation to be submitted at the end of Week 7:


  1. The impact of inflation on business and trade.
  2. The value of emerging markets on firms expanding globally.
  3. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and organizational global expansion.

4.. The performance of global business teams within multinational corporations.

  1. Imperatives, challenges, and task requirements of becoming a global player.


Format of Paper or Presentation:

  1. If a paper is the chosen form of delivery, ensure it complies with the following:
  2. Title Page
  3. Introduction
  4. Analysis and Evaluation of the topic chosen
  5. Conclusion
  6. References
  7. Paper length should be between 8 – 10 pages, including title page and references

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