Identify Moral Issues
*Please refer to the document “Instructions for case study analysis” for clear instructions.
Drawing on the material mentioned below* (see section below), as well as material from other sections, or other resources, analyze in detail one of the cases (Case #1, Case #2 or Case #3)**, then state and defend what you consider to be the best resolution of the case on moral grounds. Be sure to identify moral issue, concepts and theoretical perspectives.
*Course sections refers to the Ethics Theory covered
– Deontological Ethic by KANT; pdf named “Kants ethics”, “Personal notes on Kants ethics”, “J. Rowan and S. Zinaich, Jr. Ethics for Professions, Chapter 1 p. 22-35”
-Utilitarianism by Bentham and Mill; pdf named “Utilitarianism”, “Personal notes on Utilitarianism”, “J. Rowan and S. Zinaich, Jr. Ethics for Professions, Chapter 1 p. 12-21”
-Virtue Ethic by Aristotle; pdf named “Aristotle”, “Aristotle Nichomachean Ethics”, “Personal notes on Virtue Ethics”
Due to limited number allowed of attached documents, remaining pdf are in 1 document named “Remaining pdf 14 paper merged”
-Relativism; pdf notes named “relativism”, “Personal notes Relativism”
-Rights theory; pdf notes named “rights theories”, “Personal notes on Rights Theory”
-Feminist Ethics; pdf notes named “Feminist Ethics”, “Personal notes on Feminism”
-Nursing models; “Nursing models”, “Personal notes on Nursing models”
In certain cases, Feminist approach may be the best method to address moral issues, but please also refer and use the other theories mentioned above, when appropriate.
The other texts below may be useful but are not necessary to be used to complete the essay.
– Other texts (to refer and use only if needed); “Faden, Beauchamp and King, Foundations in Moral Theory”, “Rawls”, “Childress – Metaphor and Analogy in Bioethics”, “Freedman – A Moral Theory of Informed Consent”, “Bioethics_An_Anthology_—-_(Chapter_73_On_Liberty)”, “Bioethics_An_Anthology_—-_(Chapter_35_Life_Past_Reason)”
** Please select ONE of these 3 cases; refer to pdf named “Case Study 1”, “Case Study 2”, “Case Study 3”.
In your analysis, identify the following aspects of the case:
a/ the major facts in the case 10 marks
b/ the major agents of the case 10 marks
c/ the major moral issue raised 10 marks
d/ how each agent responds to the moral issue in the case 10 marks
e/ the moral principles used by the agents to support their position on the issue 20 marks
In your resolution, identify the following aspects:
a/ possible resolutions/options to act 10 marks
b/ your resolution 10 marks
c/ justification of the resolution be referencing relevant moral theories, principles and arguments. 30 marks
*Marks are indicated only to guide you on where to focus most of your effort.
Must be completed in standard essay format (introduction, body, conclusion), and should be approximately 6 to 8 pages long, or approximately 2000 words. Please consistently follow an acceptable format for the citation of source material. Please cite all material quoted directly, paraphrased, or summarized.
Sources? Refer to documents attached, and there is no limit or minimum to be used. Other resources may also me used.
Final note: Please keep me updated of which case you will be working on. I will do my best to provide you additional details to help you with the completion of this essay. Again, let me know if you need any additional clarifications.
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