Human Trafficking (paper topic essay)

All papers need a title page (including a title ☺) DOUBLE SPACED
4) Originality is a plus! Some topics are broad and I’ve read thousands –can you teach me
something I didn’t already know?
5) References should be properly cited in the text and bibliography. Use APA style–see
citation instruction sheet on end of syllabus.
The papers encourage an exploration of a topic of interest, provide a proposed outline, do a preliminary literature review, perhaps a citation or two in APA format (see citation instructions on this syllabus). Final term papers need at least 5 recent, peer reviewed sources. Grades will be positively influenced by a title page (which reminds writer to include a title and their name, other info), an introductory paragraph describing the link to family violence, why is this an issue worthy of study? Can it apply to anything we have learned? Is there a relevant case study you could include? An interview of a person working in the field? Single space and indent these creative additions. Then you can ‘unpack’ the information in your writing below. Familiarize yourself with current peer reviewed research available and describe your planned investigation. First person is okay for this assignment, but the final paper should reflect scientific language (tends to be 3rd person). Originality is highly valued and feedback will advise regarding topic scope (too broad, narrow). Embrace the feedback, it will empower you to improve your future writing. This assignment will provide students with a head start on their final research project. If you eventually change your topic, inform professor for additional feedback. You may resubmit the topic paper after you receive your grade (optional revise and resubmit by 6/10).

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Human Trafficking (paper topic essay)
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