Article Review
This is to be written in essay format.
Your role is to act as a researcher conducting a literature review.
You will be addressing this assignment not only to me but to other academics.
This assignment should be a 4-6 page essay (plus any references drawn on), double spaced, Time New Roman, 12 font with 1 inch margins.
You are to go through the FAU Library CJ abstracts to identify 5 peer reviewed journal articles (between 2016-2020) that provide analysis of corporate crime, state-corporate crime, state crime (hint you can also go to the journals directly through FAU library journal search site such as critical criminology, contemporary justice review, social justice, the British journal of Criminology, etc. and search within them using key words). Select the articles to read. However, do not use all corporate crimes or state crimes, etc., there should be at least 2 different types that you have learned. Do not use occupational crimes. You should not repeat the articles, rather summarize each, note and assess the method used (if stated), the theory used by the author and the author’s argument. DO NOT merely copy the abstract.
Please note, each correct, well written example with proper peer reviewed journal is worth 10 points (5*10=50) assuming all other assignment rubric for an A is present (see syllabus).
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