Social media related challenges

They will prepare a report that will include the following:

1. Title Page–The title is a short statement that tells the subject of your report.

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Social media related challenges
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2. Table of content.

3. Introduction – It introduces the topic and tells the reader what your paper will be all about. Here, identify an unmet need of students (empathizing stage).

Develop a literature review on the issue you have chosen and include a review of minimum 5 previous researches (researches that have been done in the same area). You should take research articles only from various databases available in Abu Dhabi University’s e-library;

4. Main Body –The body is the longest part of the paper. The main body of the project will include the following key stages of design thinking process:

a. Develop an in-depth understanding of this need (definition stage). Based on this, write a research question / hypothesis related to your topic.
b. Generate multiple ideas. Select a creative idea (Choose the best idea).
c. Rationalize/justify why you chose that option.

5. Conclusion- The conclusion tells the reader what you have learned about the topic. Predict possible outcomes of your choice?

6. References

– The project should consist of minimum 6 pages excluding the cover page, table of contents and references. You will use font “size 12” in “Times New Roman style “and the space between lines should be “1.5”.
– The project should bear in mind the University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
– Make sure that you use “in-text citation” (direct quote &indirect quote) and the “reference list” in APA style.

– Even if you paraphrase the material you have to give it “references” (APA style). Avoid direct quoting more than 40 words. If the information is large please paraphrase or summarize the information.

– All submitted papers will be run through Turnitin system to detect plagiarism. In ADU, we have 0% tolerance for the plagiarism, hence it is advised that you make sure any content taken from external sources like books, magazines, websites, brochures etc. is properly cited and referenced in APA style.

– Students should use the APA style to format the report, such as indentation, font type and size, the organization (Title page, Table of contents, abstract/summary… so on) and referencing mainly. Please refer to the APA style presentation in the blackboard.

Don’t forget all this points and Especially the Abu Dhabi University Library when writing the report as requested by the teacher.

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