Powerpoint presentation

Students will be researching a peer-reviewed journal article relating to business communications and preparing a Power Point presentation. The selected article must be a minimum of 15 pages and printed within the past four years.

In regards to the Power Point slides. Students are encouraged to use their creativity with professional slide animation and transitions.

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Powerpoint presentation
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-Presentation must have at least 10 slides
-Title and reference slides are not included in slide total
-You are to summarize the article by providing the following information:
-Author’s name and background – this may require additional research (i.e., education, career)
-Purpose of the article (summary of what this article is about)
-Significant lessons learned (summary of what you learned or found interesting)
-What communication theories are discussed?
-What communication strategies are discussed?
-Recommendations / Applications (how can you apply the lesson learned from this article to your current position)
-What faith integration or personal values did you learn or can apply?

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