Home work Assignment

1. Visit the World Health Organization (WHO) website and locate an article that relates to research on the global health crisis. Include the link to the article and summarize the crisis the article discusses. Propose two realistic and achievable initiatives within the scope of nursing science that could help to mitigate this crisis. Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response. (150 words)

2. Evaluate how social factors, such as personal or professional values, influence both individual and population health. How does your worldview influence the way you provide health care at both the individual and population level? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response. (At least 150 words)

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3. Evaluate the current political climate as it relates to health care and explain how politics influence health for both the individual and entire populations. Explain what types of positive impact the Doctoral Nurse Practice can create through policy or advocacy. Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response. (At least 150 words)

4. In creating a new community-based health program, what program development model would you use and why? What recommendations would you suggest to make the program successful and sustainable? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.(At least 150 words).

NOTE: This is an assignment question and answer. No title heading is required.
Answer each question and provide reference after each question is answered.

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