Should immigrants who arrive in the United States be granted citizenship as a result of overall contribution to the country?

What You Are Required to Provide for This Assignment—General Guidelines
Researched Academic Essay in MLA Format
• write a seven-full-page minimum paper with outside sources as support and well-developed support for a carefully crafted thesis statement

Formal Outline
• provide a formal sentence outline for this research paper—the outline must represent the basic structure of what your paper would look like (see general explanation below)

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Should immigrants who arrive in the United States be granted citizenship as a result of overall contribution to the country?
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Annotated Works Cited Page
• include an annotated bibliography with your final draft—this includes a works cited page (a bibliography) and, after each of the works cited references, a paragraph-length explanation that will describe 1) what each source is about and 2) how it supports your paper.

• choose at least four sources to use in this research (look to Canvas for more information on this)
• have at least one peer-reviewed article that you use in your research (this counts toward the four-source minimum above).

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