Research Paper Commandments

Weighted 25%, the argumentative research paper covers a topic that is open to debate and provides evidence and reasons to support one’s claim (thesis). Not only does it help demonstrate the student’s ability to effectively write, but it also depicts the appropriate use of the MLA format as well as knowledge, comprehension, and critical thinking. Research paper is to be a minimum of 5 pages in length and must be written in third person perspective; please make sure that it includes the appropriate documentation—whether information is summarized, paraphrased, or directly quoted. Also note that the ‘five pages’ is not inclusive of the annotated Works Cited page. For the Research Paper Commandments, check the MLA/Purdue Tab in Blackboard. Works Cited must be annotated with one short summative paragraph (about 3 sentences). This means that you will be explaining what the source entails—an overview.

Either choose ONE of the broad topics below and write an argumentative essay, OR choose YOUR OWN topic, and write an argumentative essay. Essay must have correct MLA documentation and Works Cited.

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Research Paper Commandments
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For example: Welfare (broad topic);

Claim/Thesis: People on welfare should be subjected to random drug testing and required to complete a minimum of an Associate’s degree within three years. Now, this is the statement that I have to prove. Please place the claim at the end of the introductory paragraph.

1. Energy drinks

2. Religious movements

3. Justice for all

4. Social Media

5. Video Games

6. Veganism

7. Public School System

8. Organ Donor

9. Immigration

10. DNA exoneration

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