Peer Review


Make sure to submit your peer reviews to this Canvas assignment page AND upload them in the comments of your peer’s papers. This is due on FRIDAY, May 29th.

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FIRST, read the draft in its entirety. Make citations directly on the paper using Canvas’s comment section, where you think there is something that needs clarification, or any citation and reference issues, and any recurring grammar issues you see (though keep in mind, your job is not to correct all of the grammar issues in the paper. You can simply mark them, or mark only the ones that seem the most prevalent and problematic).

SECOND, evaluate how well the essay attends to the following components. Spend a paragraph or more answering the relevant questions or commenting on whatever you feels is worthy of comment. This longform feedback will be sent to your peers and uploaded here. Your responses should be AT LEAST 500 words.

1. WARRANT – Does this warrant imply the solution the writer ultimately will advocate for (this may be clear only in hindsight)? Does the warrant illustrate key obstacles related to the problem, or highlight the moral dilemma associated with this issue? Is the warrant emotionally engaging? Is it intellectually engaging? Do you understand the who/what/where/when/why? How can it be improved?

2. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM – Does the essay clearly establish the central problem being addressed by the writer’s solution? Does it lay out the facts (both disputed and undisputed)? Does it layout the central ethical questions related to the problem? The key obstacles addressed by the solution? How can it be improved?

3. THESIS – Is the solution clear? Specific? Well organized? Obviously relevant to the problem being defined by the paper? How can it be improved?

4. MAJOR OBSTACLES – Does the essay address the major obstacles in resolving this problem? Does it address the key points of contention? Does it address the failures/shortcomings of previous solutions? Does it address the other problems or other perspectives on the problem that complicate the writer’s point of view?

5a. SOLUTION – Does the solution make a clear ethical/utilitarian claim for what SHOULD be done and why? Does the solution effectively deal with the problem’s key obstacles? Does the solution present a clear path to implementation (is it feasible)? Is the solution supported by enough expert/credible sources and evidence to be convincing? How well does the solution meet the general criteria for what makes a good solution?

5b. COUNTERARGUMENTS – What are the real, serious objections to this solution? Objections to the solution’s efficacy? Objections to the solution’s feasibility? Objections to the solution both from potential allies and from those who might not agree with the underlying premises?

5c. CONCESSIONS and REBUTTALS – Does the writer make fair concessions to alternative solutions? Does the writer present convincing rebuttals? How can this section be improved?

6. CONCLUSION – Does the conclusion reassert the paper’s core claim? Does it tie up any loose ends? Does it successfully invite the reader to bring the solution into being?

AFTER reading, spend a paragraph or more answering the following questions:

Is the essay convincing? Why/why not?
Is the essay well paced?
Is the essay well organized?
Is the evidence persuasive, credible, diverse?
Does the writer present him/herself as a credible expert?

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