Digital Forensics Hash Value Guidelines: Why Md5 and SHA1 should no longer be used and a recommendation for their replacement

The report should be divided into 3 sections:
Introduction: (Approx 200 words) Introduce the topic and the report.
Discussion: (Approx 1700 words) Make a clear argument or robust discussion justifying your position on the topic supported by academic and contemporary references.
Conclusion: (Approx 300 words) Make a robust conclusion based on your discussion and viewpoint. This should not simply be a summary but should leave the reader convinced that you have made a robust academic argument / discussion.

Note: The references should be the latest ones and academic. The references words should not be counted in word count. The intro, discussion and conclusion should add up to 2200 words.

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Digital Forensics Hash Value Guidelines: Why Md5 and SHA1 should no longer be used and a recommendation for their replacement
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