Write a short paper on a painting that reminds you of one of the stories

Find a painting that reminds you of one of the stories: 1) Walker – Am I blue 2)W.C. Williams- This is just to say 3)W.W.Jacobs-The monkey’s paw 4)Edna StVincent- spring 5)Poe- Cask Amontillado 6) Oates-Where are you going 7) Sylvia Plath- mirror 8) Matheson- prey; button button 9) Le Guin- The ones who walk away from Omelas; 10) Gilman- The yellow wallpaper; 11)Dahl- lamb to the slaughter’ the way up to heaven; Man from the south 12) Cheever – the swimmer 13)Billi Collins-The Lanyard 14)Flannery O’Connor- A good man is hard to find. Obviously, I don’t want you to choose a painting that
is a depiction of or based directly on of one of our stories for this assignment.I would like you to make a connection between an artwork that you like and a story that we have read in our class. Use 1 of the 4 Humanities themes (1. Man’s relationship to self
2. Man’s relationship to the community / society
3. Man’s relationship to Nature
4. The role of undeserved suffering in the human condition) to link the artwork to the short story.

Basically, tie in the story of the painting- what is being depicted and why the artist chose it (also the message of the painting)- comparing / contrasting it with the “take home message” of the story you’ve chosen. 1) Research the artwork itself. Tell me what you think the artist is trying to say in the work (using academic sources and proper citation).
2) Next, compare it to the short story that you have chosen using the
same Humanities theme.
It doesn’t matter which story you choose or which painting you choose-
except for “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Scream”. ( Because its an example in the files)
What you choose is entirely up to you, as long as it’s something that you can show
connects in some way one painting to a short story.Again, make sure to use one of the Humanities themes to connect your understanding of the work to that of the short story.
Here is a list of just a few of the virtual museum tours you can use to help you
find works of art to use for your paper.
https://www.guggenheim.org/artwork/artist (Links to an external site.)
https://www.nga.gov/collection.html (Links to an external site.)
https://www.metmuseum.org/art/online-features (Links to an external site.)
You can also view a list of works from your chosen artist by doing a Google image search as well.
A more complete list can be found by clicking the link below
3 sources required, but you can add some more.

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Write a short paper on a painting that reminds you of one of the stories
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