Women & Crime

Write a 350 word or more article review for the article titled “Gendered Justice: Women in the Criminal Justice System.” Answer and include the questions below. Make sure to include one source to support your response (articles, books, etc.,). Make sure you complete this assignment in Microsoft Word format, double spaced, and in 12 font. (APA)

Questions are:
1. How have historical theories on female offending failed to understand the nature of female offending?
2. Is it difficult understanding the relationship between gender and offending? Why/Why not?
3. What has recent research on gender and traditional theories of crime illustrated about the nature of female offending?

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Women & Crime
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– Please write as an over 45yr. old professional male would. Not using professor level language. criminal justice, police officer perspective.

– I have included the 1st page of the article as a ref. for you to find the right one.

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