The old man and the sea

You are required to write a 250-word essay for the Literary Work(s) below. We use a word counter. If you submit an essay that has less than 250 words it will be rejected and you will have to start again.

We recommend you write your essay(s) in MS Word, then cut and paste it unto your test submission page by clicking below.

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The old man and the sea
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It is very important that you use proper punctuation in this essay, and write an essay that is well versed with sufficient content. You will fail this quiz/essay if you merely write 2 or 3 sentences in place of an essay and lack written depth and clarity.

You must pay special emphasis on your essays. If your essays are not well written or if they have been plagiarized (copied from another source) you will not pass these assignments. Ensure that the essays are written with your own thoughts and words.

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