Rise of new global power


Are the rise of new global power actors diminishing the state’s capacity to govern the economy or are coalitions of dominant states and national corporations threatening global governance?

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Rise of new global power
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The marking criteria for the essays will be as follows:
1. Argument: Extent to which the essay answers a question, reasoning behind the argument (explanation of a puzzle or problem and its significance in an academic context), consistency of the argument, clarity of the argument
2. Analysis: Understanding of key concepts, capacity to critically examine the subject matter, consideration of other arguments, use of empirical examples to illustrate key points
3. Structure/Organisation: Quality of the introduction and conclusion, sequencing of key points, logical division into sections, consistency and flow of the discussion
4. Referencing: Use of sources, citation of work consulted, evidence of extensive reading and engagement with appropriate literature drawn from the course outline but also independent research, quality of the bibliography
5. Grammar, Spelling, and Expression: Style, grammar, and general use of English
You are expected to follow standard essay writing form and practice. Follow one consistent referencing system (either Harvard or the footnote system) and if you wish to add ‘notes’ in addition to the main text, use footnotes rather than endnotes. A bibliography must be included. A minimum of 6 sources from the course’s essential reading and/or additional sources should be used in a substantive manner.

The aim of a research essay is to demonstrate your understanding and critical engagement with the core readings in this course AND to go beyond the required readings by conducting independent research. As a general guide, I would recommend you utilize a minimum of four sources from the course’s Required Readings list in addition to the sources you will have found through your own independent research. When using any source, ensure you use these in a substantive manner – in other words, don’t just list 15-20 sources to fill up a page of references. You must have cited these references in-text and used effectively to develop your argument.

You are welcome to use either in-text or footnotes referencing styles. The main point is that whichever referencing system you choose, do it properly and consistently.

Required Readings:
Sung-Young Kim (2019) Hybridized industrial ecosystems and the makings of a new developmental infrastructure in East Asia’s green energy sector, Review of International Political Economy, 26(1): 158-182.

Jaffe, A. M. 2018. Green Giant: Renewable Energy and Chinese Power. Foreign Affairs, March/April, 83-93.

Amsden, Alice 2007: Escape from empire : the developing world′s journey through heaven and hell. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, read as much of this book as possible.

Christopher M. Dent (2018) Clean Energy Trade Governance: Reconciling Trade Liberalism and Climate Interventionism? New Political Economy, 23(6): 728-747.

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