Power Point Presentation-you will develop and present a plan of action for implementing a change

You will develop and present a plan of action for implementing a change. The change can be hypothetical or something you have experienced a need for in a hospitality organization.
The plan of action will need to identify the specific change and desired outcome.
The following elements need to be included or analyzed within the plan of action explanations:

1. Management and/or leadership tactics to facilitate the change
2. Data gathering and measuring tools or practices [explained and an example presented in the plan; utilized if data is available]
3. Group formation and team development
4. Communication methods with justification
5. Planning and control tactics
6. Measuring, feedback, and evaluation methods
7. Contingencies [what could go wrong and plan to respond]

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Power Point Presentation-you will develop and present a plan of action for implementing a change
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The elements do not need to be in that order. Each element should provide analysis in addition to identification and description. That analysis should be supported with validating or corroborating scholarly sources, not personal opinion or opinions shared on weblogs or websites.

Present as a slide presentation. If using the slide presentation format, the slides will be used to represent what would be spoken [as if being verbally presented] and the analysis would be provided as a script and presented as “Notes” accompanying each slide. The essay and “notes” [script for presentation] will be graded using the same criteria.
Writing standards:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.

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