Facility Evaluation Picture Presentation

Facility Evaluation Picture PresentationBasics –Pick a sport (or multi-use that has sport) facility, go to that facility and take photos using your phone or camera. You are to assess a facility or facilities on the good and the bad related to risk management and hazards, ADA, professionalism, and user friendliness. If you show the bad related to these things, tell us why it is bad and tell us what could be done to correct it. If the pic you show is something good, tell us why it is good. Use the photos in a presentation to evaluate the facility. Use Integrity to record the presentation.Presentation -Use the powerpoints & textbook to inform you on what to look out for while you analyze this facility. Make sure to include both positives and negatives you identify. The presentation should be about 6 to 8 minutes long. You will be penalized if you go over or under the time allotted. Practice to make sure you have the timing down right. Read the “Applications for Presenting”documentin thesame folder for how to record yourself presenting the powerpoint. Explanation vs. Critique -Obviously you can’t describe everything from these facilities, nor from every topic area, but make sure to hit a few main points. Balance your explanation of the facility (highlighting what we can see in the photos of your presentation) with an analysis (based on the texts/powerpoints). So time-wise, around 40/60, 50/50, or 60/40 breakdown between explanation and analysis.Applications for Presenting –It is important to practice and prepare when using the technology for presenting. Make sure to not wait until the last minute to practice using the technology. I am not an IT Help desk. Reach out to ITS for help with technology support. There is a help link in the top right corner of the Tegrity website that can help you if you chose to use Tegrity. Presentation -Don’t worry if you are not a great public speaker, I am mainly grading you on the content and your understanding of the concepts. If you speak clearly, with good volume, know your content, and don’t have many distracting mannerisms (lots and lots of umms and you knows, etc.) you will do well on that portion of the rubric.Rubric40points Covers a reasonable amount of topics: risk management and hazards, ADA, professionalism, and user friendliness40points Correctly applies information & good balance of critique and explanation20 points Correct timing, you sound prepared, not too much text (Copy & Paste phrases or sentences is plagiarism without quotations), good use of visuals, etc.Total: 100Points

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