Exegetical paper

Write a 2000-word exegetical assignment (worth 120 points): In this exegetical assignment, students will include three components:

Part 1. Students will select one of the following socio-historical issues to research:

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Pharisees OR
Women and Sinners OR
Table Fellowship
The first part of the assignment will thoroughly discuss the selected topic of research. (800-1000 words)

Part 2. Students will discuss how the selected topic of research impacts how one would/could read Luke 7:36-50. How does knowledge of this topic impact our understanding of relational dynamics, social norms, expected and unexpected behavior, etc., in this story? How does the story challenge or change the perceptions of the research topic, i.e., how is the passage pushing back against the world it was written in? (800-1000 words)

Part 3. Students will offer thoughtful application of their new understanding of this passage to the 21st century world, either to their own personal life, or to the larger world in which they live. (100-200 words)
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