Bill of rights

Write an academic research paper on a topic directly related to U.S. history-to 1877. Your topic can center on a person, event, issue, concept, or the like within this time period. However, if your paper can demonstrate a direct relationship to current events, your topic can center on contemporary concerns, but there must be a clear connection between U.S. history-to 1877 and contemporary U.S. issues and events. In addition, topics can also center on topics or chapters not covered during the course but in your textbook.

At least 5 legitimate sources per research paper (your textbook should be 1 of the 5 sources) At least 2 of these sources must be Primary Sources.

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Bill of rights
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Final Research Paper will be in Chicago editorial style as is used in history academia.

1 inch margins

Double space

12pt font size

Times New Roman font

Use proper grammar and punctuation

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