Affordable Care Act

Has the Affordable Care Act (ACA) ie Obamacare, improved healthcare quality? Why or why not? Support your opinion with at least 4 reasons with information from the websites and/or other readings.

websites and readings

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Affordable Care Act
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Kaiser Family Foundation Health Reform
The Affordable Care Act Under Trump, Commonwealth Fund
The ACA at 10: Healthcare Revolution
A Critical Analysis of Obamacare
Has the ACA resulted in Better Healthcare Outcomes?
Is Obamacare Harming Quality? HealthAffairs

Lecture & Web Resources
Lecture to be added

Summary of the Affordable Care Act (Kaiser Family Foundation)
The Affordable Care Act at 5 years (New England Journal of Medicine)
Berger, K., (2015) An Update on US Healthcare Quality Improvement Efforts Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
Implementing the Affordable Care Act: State Action on Quality Improvement in State-Based Marketplaces Commonwealth Fund

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