Abnormal Psychology Research Paper

This will be your final project for the trimester. Make sure to follow all of the instructions clearly and use the APA format completely. The criteria is as follows:
You will write a 3-4 page paper (not including the title page and reference page(s)) on the psychological disorder of your choosing. Your options will be based on the random drawing of numbers in the class. Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, times new roman.
You paper must include the following items:
A description/definition of the disorder. What is it? What category does it fit into? What are the symptoms of the disorder? What is the severity of the disorder—how does it affect basic life-functions?
A brief history of the disorder—where did it originate? When did we first start diagnosing it? What types of research have been done to expand our knowledge of the disorder and how to treat it? etc. (Use at least 2 scholarly studies that have been done on this disorder)
Treatment options for the disorder and who is likely to suffer from the disorder? Do treatment options differ based on the population with the disorder?
You will need at least 4 sources (3 of which must be scholarly works). You will need to cite these sources on a reference page using APA format. You will also need to use parenthetical citations in your paper. You may not count your reference page as one of the 3-4.
You will need to include a title page, also in APA format, that is not included as one of your 3-4 pages. NO ABSTRACT IS REQUIRED.

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