PPT based on essay.

Make a powerpoint slides(with pictures) and script based on the essay I uploaded.
The speech has to be 5 -7 min.
Must tell me Which key ideas will you focus on? by Wednesday noon.

• Exhibit comprehensive research and understanding by referencing important points and insights from the perspectives of inquiry papers.
o Present your issue and your argument for your solution
• Demonstrate effective oral communication skills:
o Exhibit competency in using virtual presentation tools and techniques.
o Remain within the time requirement.
o Demonstrate planning, preparation, and practice.
o Employ effective visual elements (multimedia).
o Make eye contact with the audience (the webcam).
o Vary your tone of voice as appropriate, speaking clearly and loudly.
Your presentation should be 5–7 minutes in length. Refer to the rubric for evaluation details and to assist in preparing the presentation.
Clearly demonstrates the formation of an argument based on the research completed through the formative and summative writing assignments of the course.

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