Good leadership and management are important to help an organization to be successful. We will discover the characteristics of each, the differences between them, and explore the effective performance model.


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Good leadership and management are important to help an organization to be successful. We will discover the characteristics of each, the differences between them, and explore the effective performance model.

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Good leadership and management are important to help an organization to be successful. We will discover the characteristics of each, the differences between them, and explore the effective performance model.
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Leadership / Management Theory & Styles –

Review the “Four Generations of Leadership Styles” (Behavioral Theories, Contingency, and Situational Theories, and Modern Theories). Trait Theory is obsolete. Then consider the four major “eras” of management theory and style, Classic Era, Behavioral Era, Human Relations Era, and Modern Era.

Compare and contrast leadership and management
Decide what the best overall approach to leadership is for you in your future career. Explain why this theory is right for you over the others and how you will influence others. Hint: Do NOT choose “Trait Theory
As you look forward to your future career (regardless of your FSU Major), what management theory and style do you think will work best for you? Make sure it fits your leadership style as well.


 Effective Leadership and Management: Exploring Characteristics, Differences, and the Optimal Approach


In today’s dynamic and competitive business environment, effective leadership and management play pivotal roles in driving organizational success. This essay aims to delve into the characteristics of leadership and management, highlight their differences, and explore the effective performance model. Furthermore, we will discuss the four generations of leadership styles and the major eras of management theory and style. Lastly, we will consider the best overall approach to leadership and management for future careers and how they align with individual leadership styles.

Leadership and Management: A Comparative Analysis

Leadership and management are distinct yet interconnected concepts that contribute to the overall functioning of an organization. Leadership involves guiding and inspiring individuals towards a common goal, while management focuses on planning, organizing, and controlling resources to achieve desired outcomes. To illustrate their differences, it is essential to consider their respective characteristics.

Leadership encompasses qualities such as vision, communication skills, empathy, and the ability to motivate and inspire others. Effective leaders empower their teams, foster innovation, and cultivate a positive work culture (Barney & Pratt, 2023). On the other hand, management involves activities like decision-making, organizing resources, monitoring performance, and ensuring efficiency. Managers exhibit skills in planning, coordinating, and executing tasks to meet organizational objectives.

While leadership and management differ in their primary focus, both are essential for an organization’s success. Leadership provides direction and motivation, while management ensures the efficient allocation and utilization of resources. To achieve optimal outcomes, it is crucial to strike a balance between these two roles.

Four Generations of Leadership Styles

Understanding the evolution of leadership theories helps in comprehending the diverse approaches to leadership. The four generations of leadership styles are Behavioral Theories, Contingency and Situational Theories, and Modern Theories. Notably, Trait Theory is considered obsolete.

Behavioral Theories emphasize the impact of behaviors on leadership effectiveness. These theories highlight the importance of specific behaviors, such as initiating structure and consideration, in achieving desired outcomes (Zeerak, 2023). Contingency and Situational Theories propose that effective leadership depends on situational factors and the leader’s ability to adapt their style accordingly. The Modern Theories of leadership focus on transformational and servant leadership, emphasizing the leader’s ability to inspire and serve their followers.

Major Eras of Management Theory and Style

In the field of management, four major eras have shaped our understanding of effective managerial practices. These eras include the Classic Era, Behavioral Era, Human Relations Era, and Modern Era.

The Classic Era of management theory emphasized scientific approaches to management, with an emphasis on efficiency, standardization, and productivity. The Behavioral Era brought attention to the importance of human behavior and motivation in achieving organizational goals. The Human Relations Era focused on fostering positive relationships between managers and employees, recognizing the significance of social interactions in the workplace. The Modern Era emphasizes flexibility, adaptability, and innovation, as organizations navigate the complexities of the globalized world.

Optimal Approach to Leadership and Management: Personal Perspective

As I envision my future career, I believe the best overall approach to leadership is the transformational leadership theory. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their teams to reach their full potential, fostering a culture of growth, innovation, and collaboration. This theory aligns with my values and aspirations, as I aspire to make a positive impact on individuals and organizations.

By embodying transformational leadership, I aim to influence others by setting a compelling vision, providing mentorship and support, and encouraging team members to embrace creativity and take ownership of their work. I believe that by empowering individuals, we can foster a sense of ownership, enhance employee engagement, and drive organizational success.

Regarding management theory and style, I believe the Modern Era approach suits my leadership style best. The Modern Era emphasizes flexibility, adaptability, and innovation, which aligns with my inclination towards embracing change and finding creative solutions. This management style prioritizes collaboration, empowering employees, and leveraging technology to drive organizational performance.


In conclusion, effective leadership and management are vital for organizational success. Leadership and management possess distinct characteristics, with leadership focusing on inspiration and guidance while management revolves around planning and resource utilization. The four generations of leadership styles and the major eras of management theory showcase the evolution of thought in these areas.

Considering personal career aspirations, the transformational leadership theory resonates as the best overall approach to leadership. By inspiring and empowering individuals, transformational leaders can foster innovation and achieve extraordinary outcomes. As for management theory, the Modern Era approach, with its emphasis on adaptability and innovation, aligns with my leadership style. By embracing this approach, I can effectively lead teams, navigate change, and drive organizational performance.


Author, A. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page range. DOI/URL.

Author, B. (Year). Book Title. Publisher.

Barney, N., & Pratt, M. K. (2023). leadership. CIO. 



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