Assignment 2b Nihilism discussion

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assignment 2b: Nihilism Discussion

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Assignment 2b Nihilism discussion
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Objective: Discuss the tenets of Nihilism.
Mindset: Share knowledge of Nihilism and its impact on adherents.
Nihilism is the denial of any philosophy or worldview. It is the natural progression of Naturalism. Consider the main tenants of Nihilism.
Read Chapter 5 of The Universe Next Door by Sire.
Consider the Seven Basic Worldview Questions that you completed last week. How might a nihilist answer these questions?
Prepare to discuss at least three questions that you select and your response through the mindset of a nihilist. Include the strengths and weaknesses of the nihilist answers.
Initial post due by Wednesday. Write a 200-word post addressing the points above. Be sure to include information from appropriate texts with proper citations.

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