This literature review examines the various factors related to making decisions about the placement of loved ones in nursing homes.  It includes an examination of the types of nursing homes that exist, the types of people who live in nursing homes, and what it costs to live in them. Ultimately, the enclosed provides a guide to help individuals who are looking for information for a place for their loved one to live in different types of nursing homes, the types of people who live in the different types of nursing homes, and the various alternative costs.


This literature review examines the various factors related to making decisions about the placement of loved ones in nursing homes.  It includes an examination of the types of nursing homes that exist, the types of people who live in nursing homesand what it costs to live in themUltimately, the enclosed provides a guide to help individuals who are looking for information for a place for their loved one to live in different types of nursing homes, the types of people who live in the different types of nursing homes, and the various alternative costs.


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This literature review examines the various factors related to making decisions about the placement of loved ones in nursing homes.  It includes an examination of the types of nursing homes that exist, the types of people who live in nursing homes, and what it costs to live in them. Ultimately, the enclosed provides a guide to help individuals who are looking for information for a place for their loved one to live in different types of nursing homes, the types of people who live in the different types of nursing homes, and the various alternative costs.
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The items in bold are your main points that you must do research on. You seem to have a lot of different information in your paper that seems to go outside the initial scope of your research.


You should break it up like this:


Introduction – introduce your topic, nursing homes, and then state your thesis, which was, “When the time comes to decide whether to put a loved one into a nursing facility and what nursing facility to put them in, there are many things to consider; and it is a challenge for all involved.” I am a little confused with your thesis, you want to make an argument that can be supported by the main points.

Your main points are types of nursing homes, types of people who live in nursing homes, and what it costs to live in a nursing home. You may want to consider re-working your thesis to reflect what type of research you plan on doing. I underlined the portion that you may be able to use to re-work your initial thesis.


After your introduction you list you three main points. You must use the databases online to find articles (ie. google scholar) or even call nursing homes for information (these would be interviews). These resources will help provide examples to support your thesis. Also, it seems like your professor is very concerned about the lack of citations. While you have to put information in your own words, simply paraphrasing what you find is not going to count unless you cite the source. Citations must come after direct quotes or paraphrasing of information.


Finally, once all your research is done, you create a nice conclusion that will tie everything together.


Factors to Consider When Choosing a Nursing Home for a Loved One: A Comprehensive Literature Review


Nursing homes play a crucial role in providing care and support for individuals who require assistance with their daily living activities. However, the decision to place a loved one in a nursing home can be challenging and multifaceted. This literature review aims to explore the various factors involved in making decisions about nursing home placement, including the types of nursing homes available, the diverse population residing in these facilities, and the associated costs. By delving into these key aspects, individuals seeking information about nursing homes can make informed choices based on their specific needs and circumstances.

Types of Nursing Homes

One important consideration when selecting a nursing home is understanding the different types available. Research has identified several distinct categories, each catering to specific care needs and preferences (National Academies Press (US), 1996). For instance, there are traditional nursing homes that provide comprehensive medical and custodial care for elderly individuals with complex health conditions. Additionally, assisted living facilities offer a more independent living environment with personalized assistance for activities of daily living. Memory care units specialize in providing specialized care for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. Exploring these diverse options enables families to identify the most suitable setting for their loved ones.

Types of People in Nursing Homes

An essential aspect of nursing home placement involves understanding the types of individuals who reside in these facilities (Nursing Homes |, n.d.). The population in nursing homes is diverse, consisting of individuals from various backgrounds, age groups, and medical conditions. Some residents may require temporary rehabilitation following a hospital stay, while others may have chronic illnesses requiring long-term care (National Academies Press (US), 1996b). Additionally, factors such as mental health, social engagement, and specialized care needs contribute to the unique composition of nursing home populations. Examining these demographics assists families in finding nursing homes that provide a supportive environment tailored to their loved one’s specific requirements.

Cost Considerations

Financial implications play a significant role in the decision-making process regarding nursing home placement. Costs associated with nursing homes can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, level of care required, and amenities offered. Research suggests that nursing home expenses typically include accommodation, meals, medical services, and assistance with daily activities. Furthermore, government programs like Medicare and Medicaid can help alleviate financial burdens for eligible individuals. By understanding the costs associated with nursing home care and exploring available financial resources, families can make informed decisions while considering their budgetary constraints.


When faced with the decision of placing a loved one in a nursing home, it is crucial to consider multiple factors to ensure the best possible care and support. This literature review has explored the types of nursing homes available, the diverse population residing in these facilities, and the associated costs (Lynch et al., 2022). By gaining insights into these areas, individuals can make informed decisions based on their loved one’s specific needs and preferences. Additionally, utilizing resources like online databases and conducting interviews with nursing home representatives can provide further examples and insights to support the decision-making process. By carefully considering these factors, families can navigate the challenging process of nursing home placement and provide their loved ones with a safe and nurturing environment for their long-term care needs.


Lynch, B. M., Ryan, A., O’Neill, M., & Penney, S. N. (2022). The factors that influence care home residents’ and families’ engagement with decision-making about their care and support: an integrative review of the literature. BMC Geriatrics, 22(1). 

National Academies Press (US). (1996). Staffing and quality of care in nursing homes. Nursing Staff in Hospitals and Nursing Homes – NCBI Bookshelf. 

Nursing homes | (n.d.).




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