Task:Your research paper will investigate issues related to addiction to a particular substance or behavior. Some possibilities for research include addictions to alcohol, cell phones, caffeine, internet, exercise, marijuana, and others. Sources:The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg The Addictive Personality by Craig Nakken “Drug addiction: bad habits add up” by Trevor Robbins and Barry EverittAt least 1-2 additional outside sources specific to your topic(There is an excellent Research Guide for this in the Cuyamaca Library database that includes articles that have been organized by the type of addiction.)Organization:Introduction:
The Research Paper: Essay #3
Task:Your research paper will investigate issues related to addiction to a particular substance or behavior. Some possibilities for research include addictions to alcohol, cell phones, caffeine, internet, exercise, marijuana, and others. Sources:The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg The Addictive Personality by Craig Nakken “Drug addiction: bad habits add up” by Trevor Robbins and Barry EverittAt least 1-2 additional outside sources specific to your topic(There is an excellent Research Guide for this in the Cuyamaca Library database that includes articles that have been organized by the type of addiction.)Organization:Introduction:
Interesting hook
Background information on habits/addictions in general that leads to the addiction you are researching in particular OR background on the behavior/substance you are researching. NOTE: Because you are using so many sources, you will NOT list the titles and authors in the introduction.
A thesis statement that explains the direction of your paper to the reader.Body Paragraphs – AT LEAST 3
Your body paragraphs will follow the structure we have learned in class. You will have a topic sentence and 3 sets of statement of support, quote in context, and explanation (quote sandwiches), and transition sentences.
The topics of the body paragraphs are your choice based on what you find in your research. You will need to organize the information that you find into at least 3 subtopics that are logically connected. Here are some ideas (some of these could be developed into more than one paragraph):o Numbers of people estimated to suffer from this addiction (could also be in the introduction)o How the addiction starts/physical or mental/emotional changes as the person becomes addicted.o How the substance or activity is marketed/How companies/industries contribute to people becoming addictedo Effects of the addiction (physical, mental/emotional, financial, legal, etc.)o Types of treatment for the addiction/chances of success in recoveryo Laws that restrict this behavior or use of the substance Conclusion:
Restate your thesis.
Summarize your subpoints in 3-4 sentences.
End the essay in a logical way. This may be a general statement about addiction, a call to action, a tie back to your hook, or any other ending that is logical. MLA Format and Works Cited
Use MLA format to construct your paper (i.e. correct heading, page numbers, 12pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced).
All quotes must be followed by an In-Text citation.
List every source used in MLA format and attach as a separate page to the essay. Your Works Cited must match your In-Text citations and vice versa. Important Notes:Each body paragraph must have 2 different sources!!! This means that two quotes may be from the same source, but not the third.You may use additional quotes or paraphrases in the body paragraphs as long as they are properly introduced and explained.You must use both books and the assigned article.Additional articles must come from the Library Research Guide. Do NOT use Google or another search engine to find articles. Don’t forget that plagiarism is cause for failure.This must be your paper written in your words. Every time you copy more than three consecutive words from a source, you must cite it. I take this very seriously and so should you. Your essay must be submitted through Safe Assign in Blackboard. Safe Assign does not “catch” everything, but I can generally tell when the words you are using are not your own.
Compose a research essay of at least 5 paragraphs about addiction based on the information you have learned reading The Power of Habit, The Addictive Personality, and 3 articles. Your essay should include an Introduction paragraph, at least 3 Body Paragraphs, and a Conclusion. You will need to incorporate quotes from all of your sources. Quotes should be appropriate and include the proper punctuation and citation. Your paper needs to be formatted using MLA and include a Works Cited page.
You will need to submit your paper here on Canvas via VeriCite to check for plagiarism by the end of the day on 5/25 . This is a hard deadline. No late submissions will be accepted.
Reminder: Don’t forget that plagiarism is cause for failure. This must be your paper written in your words. Every time you copy more than three consecutive words from a source, you must cite it. I take this very seriously and so should you.
Addiction and Its Impact: Exploring the Complexities
Addiction is a multifaceted issue that affects individuals across various substances and behaviors. This research paper aims to delve into the topic of addiction by drawing insights from Charles Duhigg’s “The Power of Habit,” Craig Nakken’s “The Addictive Personality,” and additional articles related to the chosen addiction. By examining the prevalence, causes, effects, treatment options, and societal factors surrounding addiction, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of its complexities.
The Origins and Prevalence of Addiction
Addictions are not limited to substances but can also manifest in behaviors. As suggested by Duhigg, habits play a crucial role in the development of addictions. Addiction often begins innocently, with the initial attraction to a substance or behavior, gradually progressing into a compulsive and harmful pattern. Nakken’s insights shed light on how certain personality traits can contribute to addictive tendencies. For instance, individuals with low self-esteem or unresolved emotional issues may be more susceptible to addiction.
The Impact of Addiction: Physical, Mental, and Financial Consequences
Addiction exerts significant tolls on various aspects of an individual’s life. Physically, the body undergoes detrimental changes as it becomes dependent on a substance, leading to withdrawal symptoms and health complications. Furthermore, addiction can exacerbate mental and emotional distress, contributing to anxiety, depression, and strained relationships. Financial burdens are another consequence, as individuals prioritize acquiring the substance or engaging in the behavior over meeting their financial obligations.
Treatment Approaches and Recovery Prospects
Recovery from addiction is a challenging process, but various treatment options exist to support individuals on their journey to sobriety. Treatment approaches such as therapy, support groups, and medication-assisted treatment have shown promise in helping individuals overcome addiction. However, it is crucial to recognize that recovery is a complex and unique experience for each individual, and success rates may vary depending on several factors, including the type of addiction and the individual’s commitment to change.
Addiction is a complex issue that encompasses a range of substances and behaviors. By examining the origins, impact, and treatment of addiction, it becomes clear that addressing this problem requires a multifaceted approach. Awareness and understanding of addiction’s prevalence and the factors that contribute to its development are crucial in devising effective prevention strategies. Moreover, supporting individuals in their recovery journeys through accessible treatment options and creating a supportive societal environment are paramount. By fostering empathy, education, and comprehensive care, we can strive towards minimizing the damaging effects of addiction on individuals and communities.
Duhigg, Charles. The Power of Habit. Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2014.
Nakken, Craig. The Addictive Personality: Understanding the Addictive Process and Compulsive Behavior. Hazelden Publishing, 1996.
Robbins, Trevor, and Barry Everitt. “Drug addiction: bad habits add up.” Nature, vol. 398, no. 6728, 1999, pp. 567-570.

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