Typically, film narratives that centre on regulars at bars/taverns and their alcohol consumption have negative connotations/implications; drunks, deadbeats, failed members of society, etc. This thesis will make the assertion that there are positives in these


My exceptional writer would have to watch both films: BARFLY and FACTOTUM — to fully get behind my proposed MA dissertation. This final paper (UK University) will eventually be 13000 words in length, but I need to see if there is enough on the proverbial bone to have this length.

Typically, film narratives that centre on regulars at bars/taverns and their alcohol consumption have negative connotations/implications; drunks, deadbeats, failed members of society, etc. This thesis will make the assertion that there are positives in these
bar/tavern settings as they can be impactful and powerful, driving the protagonists to do better – see more clearly. It’s still a bit wishy-washy and meek.

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Typically, film narratives that centre on regulars at bars/taverns and their alcohol consumption have negative connotations/implications; drunks, deadbeats, failed members of society, etc. This thesis will make the assertion that there are positives in these
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I need help to flesh out this thesis argument so that it is powerful and can gather significant cites.


The Transformative Power of Bar/Tavern Settings in Film Narratives: Unveiling the Positive Implications


Film narratives often portray bar and tavern settings as environments dominated by negative connotations and implications. The regulars frequenting these establishments are frequently depicted as drunks, deadbeats, and failed members of society. However, this dissertation aims to challenge the prevailing narrative and assert that these settings possess transformative qualities that can impact and empower the protagonists, enabling them to gain clarity and strive for personal growth. By critically examining the films “Barfly” and “Factotum,” this study seeks to illuminate the positive aspects embedded within bar/tavern settings, ultimately challenging preconceived notions and revealing their potential for profound character development.

Depicting the Realities of Life

Bar/tavern settings in film narratives offer a unique lens through which the realities of life are exposed. These environments serve as microcosms of society, showcasing diverse characters with their struggles, dreams, and vulnerabilities (Brief Descriptions and Expanded Essays of National Film Registry Titles | Film Registry | National Film Preservation Board | Programs | Library of Congress, n.d.). By immersing the audience in these settings, filmmakers provide a realistic portrayal of the human condition, highlighting the complexity and depth of the individuals who frequent these establishments.

Connection and Community

One of the significant positives that bar/tavern settings offer is the opportunity for connection and community. Despite the initial impression of isolation and despair, these settings can become a haven for individuals seeking solace, companionship, and understanding. The bonds formed within these establishments foster a sense of belonging, creating a support system that enables the protagonists to confront their challenges head-on.

Self-Reflection and Redemption

Bar/tavern settings often serve as catalysts for self-reflection and personal growth. The characters find themselves confronted with their flaws, insecurities, and failures, forcing them to confront their inner demons (Rønnestad & Skovholt, 2003). Through introspection, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking redemption and striving for a better life. The struggles they face within these environments become pivotal moments that inspire them to change their circumstances and transform their lives.

 Seeking Truth and Clarity

In the midst of chaos and intoxication, bar/tavern settings can paradoxically offer moments of clarity and truth (The Fable of the Bees or Private Vices, Publick Benefits, Vol. 1 | Online Library of Liberty, n.d.). Away from societal expectations and pretenses, the protagonists find themselves in an environment where honesty and authenticity prevail. Through profound conversations, intense interactions, and self-exploration, the characters gain insights into their own lives and the world around them, leading to personal revelations and a newfound sense of purpose.


This dissertation challenges the prevailing negative connotations associated with bar/tavern settings in film narratives, emphasizing the transformative power these environments possess. By exploring the films “Barfly” and “Factotum,” we have uncovered the positive implications embedded within these settings, including the depiction of life’s realities, the formation of connections and communities, opportunities for self-reflection and redemption, and the pursuit of truth and clarity. This study aims to reframe the narrative surrounding bar/tavern settings, shedding light on their potential to inspire and empower individuals in their pursuit of personal growth.

By examining these films through a fresh perspective, this dissertation provides a comprehensive analysis of the positive implications of bar/tavern settings. It is anticipated that this research will contribute to a broader understanding of the multifaceted nature of film narratives and generate a renewed appreciation for the transformative power of these environments.

Keywords: bar/tavern settings, film narratives, positive implications, character development, connection, self-reflection, personal growth, truth, clarity.


Brief descriptions and expanded essays of National Film Registry titles | Film Registry | National Film Preservation Board | Programs | Library of Congress. (n.d.). The Library of Congress. https://www.loc.gov/programs/national-film-preservation-board/film-registry/descriptions-and-essays/ 

Rønnestad, M. H., & Skovholt, T. M. (2003). Journal of Career Development. Journal of Career Development, 30(1), 5–44. https://doi.org/10.1023/a:1025173508081 

The Fable of the Bees or Private Vices, Publick Benefits, Vol. 1 | Online Library of Liberty. (n.d.). https://oll.libertyfund.org/title/kaye-the-fable-of-the-bees-or-private-vices-publick-benefits-vol-1 


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