Access does not necessarily mean equity for those involved. Organizational culture marginalizes women and places preconceived notions about both men and women. We often witness women and men treated differently with pay, work experiences, advancement opportunities and chances to take professional development (2019).

Table of Contents


Access does not necessarily mean equity for those involved. Organizational culture marginalizes women and places preconceived notions about both men and women. We often witness women and men treated differently with pay, work experiences, advancement opportunities and chances to take professional development (2019).

Topic: sexism

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Access does not necessarily mean equity for those involved. Organizational culture marginalizes women and places preconceived notions about both men and women. We often witness women and men treated differently with pay, work experiences, advancement opportunities and chances to take professional development (2019).
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retrieve a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles and at least two additional relevant academic resource materials (total 5). You may include additional materials, but at least 3 of the works must be peer-reviewed from databases such as ERIC.

Suggested outline for the Assignment:

Introduction identifying the topic of diversity and inclusion you chose and provide its relevance for selection.
Peer Reviewed Article 1
Summarize the article and share why it was selected for your topic
Include at least one citation from the article
Peer Reviewed Article 2
Summarize the article and share why it was selected for your topic
Include at least one citation from the article
Peer Reviewed Article 3
Summarize the article and share why it was selected for your topic
Include at least one citation from the article
Relevant Academic Material
Summarize the article and share why it was selected for your topic
Include at least one citation from the article
Relevant Academic Material
Summarize the article and share why it was selected for your topic
Include at least one citation from the article
Summary and Conclusions

please use the povided cover page and use apa headings and subheadings
Cunningham, G. (2019). Diversity and inclusion in sport organizations: A multilevel perspective
(4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.


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