Early Conceptualizations About Nursing -Let us review the works of Wiedenbach (conceptualizations of nursing) -Henderson (who believed in the categorizations of functions that pertained to patient care) -Hall (who envisioned three overlapping circles of care – person, body, and disease from crisis to rehabilitation) that introduced nursing theory and explore the importance of nurse-patient relationships (Smith & Parker 2015).


Early Conceptualizations About Nursing

-Let us review the works of Wiedenbach (conceptualizations of nursing)

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Early Conceptualizations About Nursing -Let us review the works of Wiedenbach (conceptualizations of nursing) -Henderson (who believed in the categorizations of functions that pertained to patient care) -Hall (who envisioned three overlapping circles of care – person, body, and disease from crisis to rehabilitation) that introduced nursing theory and explore the importance of nurse-patient relationships (Smith & Parker 2015).
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-Henderson (who believed in the categorizations of functions that pertained to patient care)

-Hall (who envisioned three overlapping circles of care – person, body, and disease from crisis to rehabilitation) that introduced nursing theory and explore the importance of nurse-patient relationships (Smith & Parker 2015).

Nurse-Patient Relationship Theories

This reading assignment focuses on conceptualizations by Travelbee, a former nursing educator, (who practiced psychiatric/mental health care) that serves as a framework that delineates the nurse-patient interaction. Remembering that patients or clients are exceptional and nursing care is delivered across several stages (Smith & Parker, 2015).


Early Conceptualizations About Nursing and Nurse-Patient Relationship Theories


In the field of nursing, several influential theorists have made significant contributions to the conceptualization and understanding of the nursing profession. This essay explores the works of Wiedenbach, Henderson, and Hall, who played pivotal roles in shaping early conceptualizations about nursing. Additionally, the essay delves into Travelbee’s theory, which provides a framework for understanding the nurse-patient relationship. By examining these theories, we can gain insights into the foundational principles and approaches that have shaped contemporary nursing practice.

Wiedenbach’s Conceptualizations of Nursing

One notable figure in nursing theory is Wiedenbach, whose conceptualizations revolved around patient-centered care. She emphasized the importance of tailoring nursing interventions to meet each patient’s individual needs (ArMada, 2016). Wiedenbach believed that nursing is a problem-solving process, highlighting the significance of clinical judgment and critical thinking skills for effective care delivery. Her work laid the foundation for a more personalized and patient-focused approach to nursing.

Henderson’s Categorizations of Functions in Patient Care

Another influential theorist, Henderson, focused on categorizing the essential functions of nursing for patient care. Her comprehensive framework outlined fourteen basic needs that individuals have, and she identified specific nursing actions to address each need. Henderson’s approach underscored the holistic nature of nursing, recognizing the nurse’s role in assisting patients with their physiological, psychological, and social needs (Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory – Nursing Theory, 2023). Her work paved the way for a comprehensive and systematic approach to patient care.

Hall’s Nurse-Patient Relationship Theory

Hall made significant contributions to nursing theory through her conceptualization of the nurse-patient relationship. She envisioned three overlapping circles of care: the person, the body, and the disease. Hall emphasized the importance of understanding patients as whole individuals, taking into account their physical, emotional, and social dimensions. Her theory acknowledged the dynamic nature of the nurse-patient relationship, spanning from crisis intervention to the process of rehabilitation. Hall’s work highlighted the significance of building strong nurse-patient relationships based on empathy, trust, and effective communication.

Travelbee’s Framework for Nurse-Patient Interaction

Travelbee, a nursing educator with a background in psychiatric/mental health care, proposed a framework that delineates the nurse-patient interaction. This framework recognizes the exceptional nature of patients or clients and acknowledges that nursing care occurs across various stages (Pinheiro et al., 2019). Travelbee’s theory provides a valuable guide for nurses in understanding the unique needs of patients and tailoring their care accordingly. By incorporating this framework into their practice, nurses can enhance the quality of the nurse-patient relationship and improve patient outcomes.


The works of Wiedenbach, Henderson, Hall, and Travelbee have significantly contributed to the early conceptualizations of nursing and the understanding of the nurse-patient relationship. These theorists emphasized patient-centered care, categorized essential nursing functions, recognized the holistic nature of patient care, and provided frameworks for understanding the nurse-patient interaction. By studying these theories, nurses can gain valuable insights into the principles and approaches that underpin contemporary nursing practice. By incorporating these foundational concepts into their care, nurses can foster strong nurse-patient relationships and provide optimal patient-centered care.


ArMada, S. (2016). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice , Third Edition -F.A. Davis Company (2010).pdf. www.academia.edu. https://www.academia.edu/29744954/Nursing_Theories_and_Nursing_Practice_Third_Edition_F_A_Davis_Company_2010_pdf 

Henderson’s Nursing need Theory – Nursing Theory. (2023, June 14). Nursing Theory. https://nursing-theory.org/theories-and-models/henderson-need-theory.php#:~:text=These%20components%20show%20a%20holistic,component%20is%20spiritual%20and%20moral

Pinheiro, C. W., Carneiro, K. M., Magalhães, F., & Fernandes, H. I. V. M. (2019). Current panorama of the theory of travelbee: an integrative review. ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335099532_Current_panorama_of_the_theory_of_travelbee_an_integrative_review 


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