Is the statement clear and understandable by all involved? o Is the statement brief enough to be remembered (generally 100 words)? o Does the statement clearly answer what, who, how, why? o Does the statement reflect the distinctive competence of the organization? o Is the statement wide enough to allow flexibility but narrow enough to maintain focus? o Is the statement the template by which all decisions are made? o Does the statement reflect organizational values, beliefs, and philosophies? o Is the statement realistic enough to be achievable and simple enough to be understood?


• Vision Statement: Petersburg City Public Schools Vision Statement Vision: To support Petersburg City Public Schools in providing a quality education that ensures every child is college ready, career ready and life ready with marketable skills and industry certification.•
Evaluate the Vision: Evaluate the statement, commenting on its strengths and weaknesses. This section must be 200–300 words. To assist you in evaluating the vision/purpose statement, consider using the questions listed below as a guide.
o Is the statement clear and understandable by all involved?
o Is the statement brief enough to be remembered (generally 100 words)?
o Does the statement clearly answer what, who, how, why?
o Does the statement reflect the distinctive competence of the organization?
o Is the statement wide enough to allow flexibility but narrow enough to maintain focus?
o Is the statement the template by which all decisions are made?
o Does the statement reflect organizational values, beliefs, and philosophies?
o Is the statement realistic enough to be achievable and simple enough to be understood?
o Is the statement an energy source and a rally point of the organization?
o Is the statement one around which celebration can and will occur?
• Review and Revision Plan: Assume that, periodically, the statement will be reviewed for revision; describe the process and who would be involved in revising the statement. If the school/district does not have a vision statement, one is to be developed. Describe the process and who would be involved in the creation of a vision statement. This section must be 100–200 words.


Evaluating and Revising the Vision Statement of Petersburg City Public Schools


A vision statement plays a crucial role in guiding an organization’s direction and inspiring its stakeholders. In this evaluation, we will assess the strengths and weaknesses of Petersburg City Public Schools’ vision statement. We will then propose a plan for periodically reviewing and revising the statement, considering the involvement of relevant stakeholders. By continuously refining the vision statement, Petersburg City Public Schools can ensure its relevance and effectiveness in guiding the educational institution towards its goals.

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Is the statement clear and understandable by all involved? o Is the statement brief enough to be remembered (generally 100 words)? o Does the statement clearly answer what, who, how, why? o Does the statement reflect the distinctive competence of the organization? o Is the statement wide enough to allow flexibility but narrow enough to maintain focus? o Is the statement the template by which all decisions are made? o Does the statement reflect organizational values, beliefs, and philosophies? o Is the statement realistic enough to be achievable and simple enough to be understood?
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Evaluation of the Vision Statement

The vision statement of Petersburg City Public Schools demonstrates several strengths. Firstly, it is clear and understandable by all involved, promoting a shared understanding of the organization’s purpose. It succinctly encompasses the core objectives, ensuring that every child is college ready, career ready, and life ready, while emphasizing marketable skills and industry certifications.

However, the vision statement could benefit from further improvements. It currently exceeds the recommended length of 100 words, which may hinder its memorability. Additionally, while the statement addresses the “what” and “why,” it could provide more clarity on the “who” and “how.” Defining the specific target audience and outlining the strategies employed to achieve the stated goals would enhance its effectiveness.

The vision statement should also reflect the distinctive competence of the organization. While it highlights the desired outcomes, it does not explicitly showcase the unique strengths or advantages that Petersburg City Public Schools possess (Edwards, 2014c). By incorporating the organization’s exceptional attributes, the statement can inspire stakeholders and differentiate the school district from others.

Proposed Review and Revision Plan

To ensure the vision statement remains relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of the community and educational landscape, Petersburg City Public Schools should establish a periodic review process (Chapter 8. Developing a Strategic Plan | Section 2. Proclaiming Your Dream: Developing Vision and Mission Statements | Main Section | Community Tool Box, n.d.). This process should involve key stakeholders, such as administrators, educators, parents, students, and community representatives.

The review process can be initiated annually or biennially to allow for meaningful reflection and adjustment. A committee comprising representatives from each stakeholder group should be formed to facilitate the review (Goodall, n.d.). This committee can solicit feedback from various stakeholders through surveys, focus groups, and individual interviews.

Based on the feedback received, the committee would analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the existing vision statement and propose revisions. The revised statement would then be presented to the larger community for feedback and validation. The final version, incorporating the suggestions and insights, would be disseminated widely to ensure all stakeholders are aware of the revised vision.


By evaluating and revising the vision statement, Petersburg City Public Schools can enhance its clarity, alignment with organizational values, and adaptability to changing circumstances. Regular reviews involving a diverse range of stakeholders will ensure that the vision statement remains a relevant and effective guide for the district’s educational endeavors. A dynamic and inspiring vision statement will serve as an energizing force, rallying the organization towards its goals and fostering a sense of pride and celebration within the school community.


Chapter 8. Developing a Strategic Plan | Section 2. Proclaiming Your Dream: Developing Vision and Mission Statements | Main Section | Community Tool Box. (n.d.). 

Edwards, J. (2014c, September 12). Vision, Mission, and Goals. Pressbooks. 

Goodall, F. (n.d.). Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Multiple choice questions. 


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