Choose your company from the Top 100: and complete the following information. 1. Introduction of the company: brief history, background, etc. 2. Does the company have its own HR department or do they outsource their HR? Discuss the makeup of the HR department. 3. Legal Environment (EEO policy, lawsuits, safety violations, etc?) 4. Company Structure, Work Schedules, Etc. 5. Recruitment, Selection, Placement, & Training 6. Managing Performance & Development

Table of Contents


Choose your company from the Top 100: and complete the following information.
1. Introduction of the company: brief history, background, etc.

2. Does the company have its own HR department or do they outsource their HR? Discuss the makeup of the HR department.

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Choose your company from the Top 100: and complete the following information. 1. Introduction of the company: brief history, background, etc. 2. Does the company have its own HR department or do they outsource their HR? Discuss the makeup of the HR department. 3. Legal Environment (EEO policy, lawsuits, safety violations, etc?) 4. Company Structure, Work Schedules, Etc. 5. Recruitment, Selection, Placement, & Training 6. Managing Performance & Development
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3. Legal Environment (EEO policy, lawsuits, safety violations, etc?)

4. Company Structure, Work Schedules, Etc.

5. Recruitment, Selection, Placement, & Training

6. Managing Performance & Development

7. Employee Discipline, Separation, & Retention

8. Pay Structure & Benefits

9. Collective Bargaining & Labor Union Involvement

10. Management of Global Human Resources


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