Section 1 – Questions (short answers) Question 1/ Explain what is a fragmented metropolitan area. What are the factors that favored fragmentation and the problems associated with it? Question 2/ Describe the different steps of the urban policy-making process. Question 3/ a/ Who governs cities?b/ How do cities fund their policies and infrastructures? Question 4/ Describe and comment on figure 5. In your comments, be sure to focus on the implications for New York City government? (See Figure 5) Section 2 – Exercise Public policy/Policy making process based on New York Times’ article.

Table of Contents


Section 1 – Questions (short answers)
Question 1/ Explain what is a fragmented metropolitan area. What are the factors that favored fragmentation and the problems associated with it?
Question 2/ Describe the different steps of the urban policy-making process.
Question 3/ a/ Who governs cities?b/ How do cities fund their policies and infrastructures?
Question 4/ Describe and comment on figure 5. In your comments, be sure to focus on the implications for New York City government? (See Figure 5)
Section 2 – Exercise Public policy/Policy making process based on New York Times’ article.
Article: “Overdose Antidote Is Supposed to Be Easy to Get. It’s Not.” Annie Correal, New York Times, April 13, 2018:
•Apply the public policy cycle model to the topic mentioned in the article.
•Objectives: Identify the different elements of the public policy addressed in the article.
•Guideline of elements that you should check:1/ The problem: What is the problem that the public policy was supposed to fix?
And what is the problem that emerges from the article?
2/Actors: Who are the actors involved in the public policy mentioned in the article?
3/ Interests and positions: What are the interests at stake? What are the positions of the actors concerned?
4/ Legitimation: Has a law been adopted? What is the legal status of the public policy?
5/ Evaluation: What is the evaluation made about the public policy?
Section 3 – Exercise based on the New York Times articles
Based on the articles of the New York Times (see the links below) and on the knowledge acquired during the semester, answer the questions below.

Articles 1: “Suburbanites in Louisiana Vote to Create a New City of Their Own,” By Rick Rojas, The New York Times, Oct. 13:
Article 2: “Voters Near Baton Rouge Want Better Schools. First, They Need a New City,” Rick Rojas, The New York Times, Oct 11:
– Which chapter of the course is this article related to?
– What is at stake in this article? What is the main issue in this story?
– Identify all the concepts, notions, political actions , social and urban phenomena, mentioned in the article that we studied during this semester.
– Describe the legal process in which the people mentioned in the article are engaged.
– How can we explain the decision made by the group mentioned in the article? Why do they want what they want?

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Section 1 – Questions (short answers) Question 1/ Explain what is a fragmented metropolitan area. What are the factors that favored fragmentation and the problems associated with it? Question 2/ Describe the different steps of the urban policy-making process. Question 3/ a/ Who governs cities?b/ How do cities fund their policies and infrastructures? Question 4/ Describe and comment on figure 5. In your comments, be sure to focus on the implications for New York City government? (See Figure 5) Section 2 – Exercise Public policy/Policy making process based on New York Times’ article.
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