Description of the incident and how it was handled Stakeholders involved and those most at risk or vulnerable Impact on the organization Identification of HR implications & explanation of its relevancy to HR Legal and regulatory issues involved


research the impact COVID-19 made on small businesses in the health and human services sector specifically choose a home health agency or an agency who supports those with developmental disabilities. Investigate the issue, the HR decisions, and outcome in order to discuss the following:

  • Description of the incident and how it was handled
  • Stakeholders involved and those most at risk or vulnerable
  • Impact on the organization
  • Identification of HR implications & explanation of its relevancy to HR
  • Legal and regulatory issues involved
  • Interdependency of the various HR roles and functions
  • Recommendations to consider in future similar circumstances including
    • Training and development
    • Modification or review of position descriptions
    • Review of succession planning
  • Rationale for recommendations

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Businesses in the Health and Human Services Sector: A Case Study of a Home Health Agency


    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to businesses worldwide, particularly in the health and human services sector. This essay examines the impact of COVID-19 on a small business operating in the sector, focusing on a home health agency. Specifically, we explore the incident, stakeholder involvement, organizational impact, HR implications, legal and regulatory issues, and interdependency of HR roles and functions. Furthermore, we provide recommendations for future similar circumstances, encompassing training and development, modification of position descriptions, and review of succession planning.

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    Description of the incident and how it was handled Stakeholders involved and those most at risk or vulnerable Impact on the organization Identification of HR implications & explanation of its relevancy to HR Legal and regulatory issues involved
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    Description of the Incident and Handling

    The home health agency faced a significant incident when the COVID-19 outbreak emerged. The agency was responsible for providing in-home care services to individuals with developmental disabilities. As the pandemic spread, it posed significant risks to both the agency’s clients and its workforce. The agency swiftly implemented several measures to address the situation. These measures included adopting enhanced infection control protocols, implementing remote work options for administrative staff, and enforcing strict screening and testing procedures for caregivers. Additionally, the agency intensified communication efforts to provide timely updates to staff, clients, and their families.

    Stakeholders Involved and Vulnerable Groups

    The stakeholders directly involved in this incident were the home health agency itself, its employees (caregivers, administrative staff, and management), clients with developmental disabilities, and their families. The most vulnerable groups among these stakeholders were the clients with developmental disabilities (The Interests of Three Stakeholders in Independent Personal Care for Disabled Elders, n.d.). They were at higher risk due to potential comorbidities, reduced immune function, and limited ability to adhere to preventive measures independently. The agency’s employees were also at risk due to the close proximity and frequent contact involved in caregiving.

    Impact on the Organization

    The impact of COVID-19 on the home health agency was profound. The agency experienced a significant reduction in clients’ demand for services as many families opted to limit external contact to mitigate the risk of virus transmission. Consequently, the agency faced financial strain due to a decrease in revenue. Moreover, operational challenges such as sourcing personal protective equipment (PPE), adapting to remote work, and maintaining adequate staffing levels were additional burdens. The agency had to navigate these challenges while ensuring the safety and well-being of both clients and staff.

    Identification of HR Implications

    The incident highlighted several HR implications. Firstly, the agency had to quickly develop and implement new policies and procedures related to infection control, remote work, and staff scheduling to adapt to the changing circumstances. Secondly, ensuring the health and safety of employees became paramount, requiring the agency to secure adequate PPE supplies and provide training on its proper use. Thirdly, the agency needed to address employee concerns regarding job security, job responsibilities, and compensation during this uncertain time. HR played a crucial role in managing these implications effectively.

    Legal and Regulatory Issues Involved

    The home health agency had to navigate various legal and regulatory issues during the pandemic. Compliance with occupational health and safety regulations became crucial to protect the workforce. Additionally, the agency had to ensure adherence to privacy regulations while collecting and sharing health-related information. Compliance with employment laws, such as paid sick leave and workplace accommodation, also required careful attention. HR had to stay updated on these evolving regulations and guide the organization to ensure compliance.

    Interdependency of HR Roles and Functions

    HR functions in the home health agency were closely interdependent during the crisis. HR was responsible for developing and disseminating communication strategies to keep employees informed and connected (Chen, 2021). Additionally, HR collaborated with operations to ensure proper staffing levels, manage remote work arrangements, and address employee concerns promptly. HR also played a critical role in coordinating training and development initiatives to enhance employees’ knowledge of infection control measures and remote work best practices.

    Recommendations for Future Similar Circumstances

    Training and Development: Establish a comprehensive training program that equips employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to respond effectively during similar crises. This includes infection control training, remote work training, and resilience-building programs.

    Modification or Review of Position Descriptions: Conduct a thorough review of position descriptions to incorporate flexible job responsibilities and remote work capabilities. This will enable the organization to adapt quickly to changing circumstances without compromising service quality.

     Review of Succession Planning: Enhance succession planning efforts to ensure organizational resilience in the face of unexpected crises. Identify key roles and individuals critical to business continuity and develop contingency plans for their absence.

    Rationale for Recommendations

    Training and development initiatives ensure employees are prepared and empowered to handle crises effectively, improving their overall performance and reducing organizational risks (AlMazrouei, 2023). Modification or review of position descriptions allows the organization to swiftly adjust roles and responsibilities during crises, enhancing flexibility and agility. Lastly, reviewing succession planning ensures that key positions can be seamlessly filled, mitigating disruptions to critical operations.


    The impact of COVID-19 on small businesses in the health and human services sector, exemplified by a home health agency supporting individuals with developmental disabilities, was profound. The incident necessitated swift action, collaboration among stakeholders, and HR’s strategic involvement. By recognizing the HR implications, addressing legal and regulatory issues, and understanding the interdependency of HR roles and functions, organizations can better prepare for future crises. Implementing recommended strategies, including training and development, modification of position descriptions, and review of succession planning, will bolster resilience and safeguard the well-being of both employees and vulnerable populations.


    AlMazrouei, H. (2023). The effect of COVID-19 on managerial leadership style within Australian public sector organizations. Journal of General Management, 030630702311529. 

    Chen, Z. (2021). Influence of Working From Home During the COVID-19 Crisis and HR Practitioner Response. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. 

    The interests of three stakeholders in independent personal care for disabled elders. (n.d.). PubMed. 

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