Clinical Review the ICD-10 codes in uploaded files below. Select one of the 6 challenges for mental health providers that are presented and 1) Discuss how you suggest the profession as a whole approach the challenge 2) How you as an individual practitioner will address the challenge. Include specific training for the mental health practitioner as well as your approach for educating your client if applicable. Please use references published after counseling

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Review the ICD-10 codes in uploaded files below. Select one of the 6 challenges for mental health providers that are presented and

1) Discuss how you suggest the profession as a whole approach the challenge

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Clinical Review the ICD-10 codes in uploaded files below. Select one of the 6 challenges for mental health providers that are presented and 1) Discuss how you suggest the profession as a whole approach the challenge 2) How you as an individual practitioner will address the challenge. Include specific training for the mental health practitioner as well as your approach for educating your client if applicable. Please use references published after counseling
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2) How you as an individual practitioner will address the challenge. Include specific training for the mental health practitioner as well as your approach for educating your client if applicable.

Please use references published after 2010.


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