For this assignment, there must be a title page and a reference page with at least five scholarly references. Scholarly references are peer reviewed journal articles and published professional books. Current APA has very specific guidelines for the title page and reference page. Please consult the current APA manual for the correct formatting for each of these parts.


This assignment must be 750-1,000 words.
For this assignment, there must be a title page and a reference page with at least five scholarly references. Scholarly references are peer reviewed journal articles and published professional books. Current APA has very specific guidelines for the title page and reference page. Please consult the current APA manual for the correct formatting for each of these parts.
For this assignment, you are given the topic and you will decide on a problem which affects student motivation and learning.
Topic: Choose a problem that is significant to teaching and learning.
Identify a problem in education regarding this topic. Since the topic is very broad, explore any area that aligns with this topic. The problem should be one that you are very interested in finding out more about because this problem will be the focus of the paper and all of the other parts of the paper will be centered on this problem. A problem needs to be identified that is a problem in the field of education, or the field for the program students are in and NOT a specific problem just to YOU or YOUR institution. It must be a problem that others have stated needs further research and can be generalized across the entire field. DO NOT CHOOSE A PROBLEM THAT IS SPECIFIC TO ONE SCHOOL OR ONE INSTITUTION.
Write a 750–1,000-word paper (body of the paper) on the problem you have identified. Areas to address that will be the headings for the paper.

(1) Problem-In this section, explain what the problem is (how it has been exposed) and why it is something that needs to be further studied and researched (how it has been identified as a problem). Any problem that a researcher wants to study, must be a problem that has been identified in the research as needing further study. This can be found by looking at the existing literature on the topic/problem and see what is missing or what has been identified as needing further study. These are excellent resources to check and read through for ideas on topics and problems for research studies.
(2) Practices, Policies or Procedures That Led to the Problem-In this section, explain what has brought this problem to light causing it to need to be studied. What has happened that has created this problem? Think of this as the “why this is so important to educational research” section of the paper.
(3) Importance of the Problem -In this section, discuss how this problem is significant to teaching and learning. Explain previous ways the problem has been addressed in the past. If there is little to no research on the problem (and it is highly unlikely that there will be no literature at all relating to the problem) then explain this in this section. Talk about the missing parts of the research that lead you to explore this problem.
(4) Steps Taken to Address Problem-In this section, explain what steps, if any, have already been taken to address the problem. Share your own ideas on possible solutions for the problem. You may use first person in this section only.
(5) Biblical Worldview-In this section, offer a biblical worldview perspective on the problem. Explain why the resolution of the problem is important as it relates to scripture and your Biblical worldview.

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For this assignment, there must be a title page and a reference page with at least five scholarly references. Scholarly references are peer reviewed journal articles and published professional books. Current APA has very specific guidelines for the title page and reference page. Please consult the current APA manual for the correct formatting for each of these parts.
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 Exploring Student Motivation and Learning: A Critical Problem in Education


In the field of education, one critical problem that demands further research and exploration is the issue of student motivation and learning. This problem has been identified as a pressing concern due to its significant impact on the overall educational experience and outcomes. In this paper, we will delve into the problem of student motivation and learning, highlighting the factors that have led to its recognition as a pressing issue. We will discuss its significance in the context of teaching and learning, examine previous approaches to addressing this problem, propose potential solutions, and offer a biblical worldview perspective on its resolution.


The problem of student motivation and learning has been exposed through extensive research and empirical evidence. Scholars have identified that many students lack the necessary motivation and engagement required for optimal learning experiences. This problem is evident across various educational settings and transcends the boundaries of individual schools or institutions. The existing literature on this topic has highlighted the need for further research to understand the underlying causes of this issue and develop effective strategies to enhance student motivation and learning.

Practices, Policies, or Procedures That Led to the Problem

Several factors have contributed to the emergence of the problem of student motivation and learning. In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on standardized testing and rigid curricula, which often prioritize rote memorization and regurgitation of information over deeper understanding and critical thinking skills (Filgona et al., 2020). This focus on assessments has resulted in a shift away from student-centered approaches to education, leading to disengagement and decreased motivation among students. Additionally, inadequate support systems, limited access to resources, and insufficient professional development opportunities for teachers have also hindered the cultivation of a positive and stimulating learning environment.

Importance of the Problem

The problem of student motivation and learning is of paramount importance to teaching and learning. Motivated students are more likely to actively participate in the learning process, exhibit higher levels of perseverance, and achieve better academic outcomes. Moreover, a lack of motivation can lead to increased dropout rates and disengagement from educational pursuits, hindering students’ long-term success (Al-Said, 2023). Despite some previous attempts to address this problem, there is still a need for comprehensive research and innovative strategies to effectively address the underlying issues and promote sustained student motivation and learning.

Steps Taken to Address the Problem

Various steps have been taken to address the problem of student motivation and learning. Educators and researchers have explored alternative pedagogical approaches such as project-based learning, personalized instruction, and experiential learning to enhance student engagement and motivation. Additionally, interventions focusing on cultivating a positive classroom environment, promoting intrinsic motivation, and providing targeted feedback have shown promise in improving student learning outcomes. However, more efforts are required to implement these strategies widely and assess their long-term effectiveness.

My Proposed Solutions

In light of the problem at hand, I propose several solutions to enhance student motivation and learning. Firstly, integrating technology into the classroom can provide interactive and personalized learning experiences, catering to individual students’ needs and interests. Secondly, fostering a collaborative and inclusive classroom environment, where students feel valued and supported, can significantly enhance motivation. Moreover, promoting a growth mindset among students, emphasizing the value of effort and resilience, can foster a positive learning culture. Lastly, offering professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their instructional strategies and cultivate a deeper understanding of student motivation can lead to more effective teaching practices.

Biblical Worldview Perspective

From a biblical worldview perspective, the resolution of the problem of student motivation and learning aligns with the biblical principles of stewardship, diligence, and holistic development. Scripture teaches us to be good stewards of the talents and abilities bestowed upon us, including the gift of learning (Liana, 2020). God calls us to be diligent in our endeavors and encourages us to pursue knowledge and understanding. Moreover, a biblical worldview emphasizes the holistic development of individuals, including their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By addressing the problem of student motivation and learning, we fulfill our responsibility to nurture and develop young minds in a manner that honors God’s design for education.


The problem of student motivation and learning is a critical issue in education that demands further research and attention. By understanding the underlying causes, exploring innovative strategies, and incorporating a biblical worldview perspective, we can work towards creating an educational environment that fosters motivation, engagement, and deep learning. Addressing this problem will not only enhance the educational experiences of students but also equip them with the skills and mindset necessary for lifelong success.


Al-Said, K. (2023). Influence of teacher on student motivation: Opportunities to increase motivational factors during mobile learning. Education and Information Technologies. 

Filgona, J., Sakiyo, J., Gwany, D. M., & Okoronka, A. U. (2020). Motivation in Learning. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies, 16–37. 

Liana, L. (2020). An analysis of Accelerated Christian Curriculum in Biblical Christian Worldview. An Analysis of Accelerated Christian Curriculum in Biblical Christian Worldview, 2(2), 14. 


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