The references used in each CAD are listed at the bottom. You will notice there are two main books that were used. One of the books is not available online. you can google the title to get a just of what it is. One of the books, I will upload the ppt with those chapters that were needed for the post to be written. When you are writing your response, please be sure to write it as you agree to them, and explain why and ensure references are listed as well if any are used outside of what is already there. The intent is to have a healthy ongoing dialog to explain why. If any background is needed, I will post my initial Post on what my stance was.

Table of Contents


Two pages are attached. I post is each page.
The assignment is too “Respond” to each of the posts. Ensure that the assignment are turned in as separate pages. I for the CAD 1 LT Post, 1 page for the CAD 1 RB Post.
The references used in each CAD are listed at the bottom. You will notice there are two main books that were used. One of the books is not available online. you can google the title to get a just of what it is. One of the books, I will upload the ppt with those chapters that were needed for the post to be written. When you are writing your response, please be sure to write it as you agree to them, and explain why and ensure references are listed as well if any are used outside of what is already there. The intent is to have a healthy ongoing dialog to explain why. If any background is needed, I will post my initial Post on what my stance was.


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The references used in each CAD are listed at the bottom. You will notice there are two main books that were used. One of the books is not available online. you can google the title to get a just of what it is. One of the books, I will upload the ppt with those chapters that were needed for the post to be written. When you are writing your response, please be sure to write it as you agree to them, and explain why and ensure references are listed as well if any are used outside of what is already there. The intent is to have a healthy ongoing dialog to explain why. If any background is needed, I will post my initial Post on what my stance was.
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