A brief description of the public health problem or issue to be addressed in the project A description of the data that will be collected, if applicable A description of the methodology that will be used to address the problem A list of references used in the project proposal This assignment will help us pair you up with a BAS faculty member who will be able to best support you on this journey.


For this quarter, you will identify your chosen Capstone Project title (Writing a grant proposal for an organization). You will then complete a brief 300 – 500 word abstract for your capstone.
Methods / Procedure
A brief description of the public health problem or issue to be addressed in the project
A description of the data that will be collected, if applicable
A description of the methodology that will be used to address the problem
A list of references used in the project proposal
This assignment will help us pair you up with a BAS faculty member who will be able to best support you on this journey.

Additional information regarding the capstone class will be disseminated soon, which will give you an idea about format and content requirements such as data collection, data analysis, length of paper/ presentation, how many references and other technical details.

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A brief description of the public health problem or issue to be addressed in the project A description of the data that will be collected, if applicable A description of the methodology that will be used to address the problem A list of references used in the project proposal This assignment will help us pair you up with a BAS faculty member who will be able to best support you on this journey.
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Enhancing Community Health through Writing a Grant Proposal for an Organization



This capstone project aims to address a pressing public health problem by developing a comprehensive grant proposal for an organization. The project will focus on leveraging external funding to implement sustainable interventions that enhance community health. By securing financial support through the grant proposal, the organization will be equipped to address a specific public health issue effectively.


The purpose of this capstone project is twofold: firstly, to identify a significant public health problem or issue that requires attention and intervention, and secondly, to develop a grant proposal that outlines a strategic plan for addressing the identified issue. By utilizing a data-driven approach and an evidence-based methodology, this project aims to secure funding to implement initiatives that improve the health outcomes of the target population.


This project will involve a thorough examination of the selected public health problem or issue, gathering relevant data, and conducting a comprehensive literature review to inform the grant proposal’s development. The methodology will focus on identifying existing gaps in the healthcare system, determining potential intervention strategies, and designing a well-structured and feasible grant proposal to address the identified problem.


The anticipated outcome of this project is the successful completion of a grant proposal that effectively highlights the significance of the public health problem and outlines evidence-based interventions. The proposal will align with the mission and goals of the organization and demonstrate a clear understanding of the target population’s needs. The project’s ultimate goal is to secure funding to implement the proposed interventions, contributing to positive and sustainable changes in community health.


By successfully developing a grant proposal for an organization, this capstone project aims to bridge the gap between identified public health problems and the resources necessary to address them. By leveraging external funding, the proposed interventions can be implemented, leading to improved health outcomes for the target population. This project highlights the importance of strategic planning, evidence-based approaches, and community collaboration in addressing public health challenges.

Brief Description of the Public Health Problem or Issue

The public health problem selected for this project is the prevalence of childhood obesity in a specific community. Childhood obesity has become a significant health concern, with long-term implications for both physical and mental health. This project will focus on identifying the underlying causes of childhood obesity within the target community and developing intervention strategies that promote healthy lifestyles, physical activity, and nutritious food choices.

Description of Data Collection

To inform the grant proposal, relevant data will be collected from various sources, including epidemiological studies, health surveys, and existing health records. Data regarding the prevalence of childhood obesity, socioeconomic factors, dietary patterns, and physical activity levels will be analyzed to understand the specific factors contributing to the problem. Additionally, community engagement activities such as focus groups and interviews may be conducted to gather qualitative data.

Description of Methodology

The methodology will involve a comprehensive literature review to identify evidence-based strategies for addressing childhood obesity. This will include reviewing interventions that have been successful in similar communities and considering the cultural and social determinants of health. The grant proposal will incorporate a multi-component approach, including educational programs, community outreach initiatives, and collaborations with local schools, healthcare providers, and community organizations.


  1. Waters E, de Silva-Sanigorski A, Burford BJ, et al. Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011;(12):CD001871.
  2. Story M, Nanney MS, Schwartz MB. Schools and obesity prevention: creating school environments and policies to promote healthy eating and physical activity. Milbank Q. 2009;87(1):71-100.
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Childhood Obesity Facts. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/childhood.html
  4. World Health Organization. Report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity. Available at: https://www.who.int/end-childhood-obesity/publications/echo-report/en/


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