The virtual school where you teach wants to do a better job of fostering collaborative relationships with community leaders, business groups, and the general public throughout your state. Virtual schools across the country face the negative public perception that they offer lower quality education than brick-and-mortar schools and take resources away from traditional public schools. To address this negative perception, your school has formed a professional learning community (PLC) to advocate for online education in the state and you’ve volunteered to participate.


Project Overview

You will create three deliverables for this project: an “About Us” page for your online education advocacy group, a response message to a question your online education advocacy group received, and an informational presentation for business and community leaders in your state. The materials in this course will support your work on the project. Read the following instructions for more information on the project, including the project scenario, what needs to be included, and what files you need to submit.

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The virtual school where you teach wants to do a better job of fostering collaborative relationships with community leaders, business groups, and the general public throughout your state. Virtual schools across the country face the negative public perception that they offer lower quality education than brick-and-mortar schools and take resources away from traditional public schools. To address this negative perception, your school has formed a professional learning community (PLC) to advocate for online education in the state and you’ve volunteered to participate.
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Project Scenerio:

The virtual school where you teach wants to do a better job of fostering collaborative relationships with community leaders, business groups, and the general public throughout your state. Virtual schools across the country face the negative public perception that they offer lower quality education than brick-and-mortar schools and take resources away from traditional public schools. To address this negative perception, your school has formed a professional learning community (PLC) to advocate for online education in the state and you’ve volunteered to participate.

Your first task as part of the PLC is to write your group’s “About Us” page for their website and other social media. A local parent has also messaged the group with a question, and you’ve volunteered to craft a response message.

Your group also wants to work with community and business leaders to inform them of the mutual benefits of forming a working partnership with your online school. You’ve offered to create an informational presentation on the value of online education to these organizations.

The project is broken into three parts to address the scenario. In part 1, you will create an “About Us” page for your online education advocacy group’s social media profiles. In part 2, you will write a response message to a question your group received from a parent. In part 3, you will create an informational presentation to deliver to business and community leaders in your state.

Complete the following tasks that are outlined below.


Part 1: “About Us” page for your online education advocacy group (750 to 1,000 words)

In order to be successful advocates for online education in your state, your group needs to be able to clearly express the value of online education, the group’s goals, and the current barriers that need to be overcome to reach those goals. You’re writing an “About Us” page for your advocacy group’s social media profiles to disseminate this information. Include the following components in the “About Us” page.

  • Articulate the value of online education by clearly describing the benefits to students, student support systems, teachers, and state communities.
    People need to know how online education can benefit them and other members of the community. Address the following when articulating the value of online education:

    • What benefits can online education deliver for students? Consider factors such as personalization, the curriculum or resources available, flexibility of scheduling, and areas where traditional brick-and-mortar classrooms may not meet the needs of all students.
    • How can online education encourage increased involvement of the whole family or student support systems?
    • How can online education increase opportunities for teachers to find work, develop their teaching skills, and meaningfully contribute to the lives of students?
    • How can increased access to online education benefit local communities in your state? Consider ways online education can bring resources together from across the country to benefit local communities.
  • State the purpose of your online education advocacy group by clearly and succinctly describing its goals and identifying two or three current barriers in your state standing in the way of those goals.
    In order to be effective, you need to describe your group’s goals and the current legal, political, and social barriers in your state impeding those goals. Address the following when stating the purpose of your group, its goals, and the obstacles they face:

    • What are your group’s goals for online education in your state? What are you hoping to achieve by advocating for online education?
    • What obstacles to online education currently exist in your state? What is your state’s typical mindset when it comes to virtual schools, and what factors fuel this mindset? Consider the following types of social and political issues when answering these questions:
      • Negative public perception around virtual schools and funding them.
      • Regulations or negative perceptions impacting for-profit schools in your state.
      • Concerns over lower graduation rates at virtual schools.
      • Concern over competition with traditional schools.
      • Concerns over academic rigor, student fidelity, and overall academic integrity.
    • Research policies for and against online education in your state. Mention any policies that are favorable to online education, then identify and speak to two or three current policy barriers your group hopes to overcome.
  • Describe past solutions to barriers similar to the ones you identified, and offer realistic ways to adapt those solutions to the barriers in your state.
    What are the potential solutions to the barriers you identified? Do the following when describing the solutions:

    • Research how other schools (traditional, charter, or virtual) or educational advocacy groups have overcome the types of barriers you identified in the previous section. What were their solutions, and how can they be adapted to your purposes?
    • Provide realistic or obtainable solutions for each of the barriers you identified.
  • Offer practical and appropriate ways members of the community can get involved in advocating for online education.
    Your group can’t advocate for online education on its own. You also need to involve other members of the community. Consider the following when suggesting ways for community members to get involved:

    • Advocacy that people with limited time can participate in, as well as advocacy that people with more available time can participate in.
    • Advocacy efforts that require limited financial resources.
    • Actions that people can take individually as well as part of larger groups.
    • Consider what involvement in online education advocacy looks like from the perspective of an individual as well as a larger community group. These community groups could include business owners, parent/teacher groups, athletic associations, or other similar organizations.
  • Communicate in a way that is appropriate and engaging for online social media users.
    Your group’s “About Us” page needs to be something the general public will want to read and be able to understand. Consider the following to adhere to best practices around online writing:

    • Avoid educational jargon and acronyms. Use plain language that’s familiar to the public.
    • Make the message applicable to the community you’re appealing to.
    • Keep your writing concise and avoid unnecessary words.
    • Avoid long paragraphs and find ways to make the content of your page easier to scan.

Part 2: Response message (250 to 500 words)

Your advocacy group received an inquiry from a local parent, and it is your job to respond to it in an appropriate fashion. Read the message in the Supporting Materials section, then include the following in your response:

  • Address the parent’s concerns in an appropriate and professional response.
    You need to decide the most appropriate way to communicate a response. Consider the following when creating your reply:

    • Maintain a professional tone and approach the response in a way that diffuses hostility.
    • Acknowledge and respond to the concerns raised.
  • Support your response with evidence, acknowledge any limitations in the information provided, and offer credible solutions.
    You need to be aware of your own understanding of the field in order to respond in the most productive way possible. Offering an inaccurate or incomplete response can set back your cause. Consider the following when responding:

    • Rely on research and evidence when responding. If necessary, conduct research and gather evidence before responding. Be sure to keep your response relatable and understandable.
    • Be aware of the limitations of your personal knowledge and thinking, as well as any personal bias you may have. Offer to find additional information if it’s needed, rather than providing inaccurate information.
    • Suggest solutions that you can work on with the concerned parent. Consider giving them a next step or a call to action. Be sure the solutions are ones that you are comfortable suggesting given your current knowledge of the field. Be sure to keep any suggested solution aligned with the goals and solutions described in your group’s “About Us” page. You want to keep all of the messaging for your advocacy group accurate and consistent.

Message Received From Parent

Hello, I’m worried about giving students in our state more access to online education. I just feel that giving them the option to not go to a regular school will lead to actual schools closing and make things worse for hard-working students who want to learn. Plus, I’ve heard that a lot of kids who start going to school online, don’t end up graduating high school. And that their assessment scores on the state assessment tests are much lower. My student has been successful in their school. Why should I support online education? I just don’t understand why you’re pushing these online schools so hard.

Part 3: Informational presentation for business and community leaders in your state (10- to 15-minute video or presentation with recorded audio)

Your advocacy group wants to show how partnerships between the community and online educational institutions are mutually beneficial. Online secondary school students are seeking internships, job training, and connections for college or careers. Online primary school students are seeking community awareness, career exposure, and connections to mentoring adults. Local organizations and businesses are seeking future talent and leaders. Partnerships between online schools and the community can accomplish this, and you will create an informational presentation to articulate the benefits of such partnerships. Include the information outlined below in your presentation.

  • Select an appropriate and effective form of communication to engage business and community leaders.
    You can present your advocacy group’s information as a video, a slide-based presentation, or as a combination of different presentation mediums. The important thing is that your information is presented accurately and in a way that will inspire support for your cause. Consider the following when creating your presentation:

    • A medium, or combination of mediums, that will be interesting, convey passion, and engage your target audience.
  • Articulate the mutual benefits of partnering with educational institutions.
    Use persuasive strategies to convince business and community leaders of the value of investing time, money, and resources in virtual schools. Consider the following while crafting your argument:

    • What knowledge or information are students at different grade levels seeking from the community? How can business and community groups provide students with this information?
    • What are students capable of giving back to their communities? Consider contributions students from different grade levels can make.
  • Provide accurate information on the value of online education to businesses and community groups.
    You want business and community leaders to engage with online education from a place of facts and full understanding. People getting involved based on inaccurate information is the last thing your group wants. Consider the following when putting together your information to present:

    • Providing research-based information that stresses the mutually beneficial relationship between business and community groups, and online educational institutions.

What to submit:

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

  1. “About Us” Page (750 to 1,000 words)
    Create an “About Us” message that your online education advocacy group can use to introduce itself and its cause on social media platforms. Your group’s About Us page needs to state the value of online education, your group’s goals and the current barriers to those goals, plans for overcoming those barriers, and what residents of your state can do to get involved. You can submit your About Us page as a written document using Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
  2. Response Message (250 to 500 words)
    Write a message responding to a concerned inquiry received by your online education advocacy group. You can submit your response message as a written document using Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
  3. Informational Presentation for Business and Community Leaders (10- to 15-minute video or presentation with recorded audio)
    Create a presentation on the benefits of partnering with virtual schools for business and community groups. Your final deliverable may take the form of a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation, an informational video, or a combination of mediums.

  5. About Us: Advocating for Online Education

    Welcome to our online education advocacy group! We are dedicated to promoting and championing the value of online education in our state. In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, it is essential to recognize the benefits and opportunities that online education can offer to students, their support systems, teachers, and local communities. Our mission is to address the negative public perception surrounding virtual schools and to work towards overcoming the barriers that hinder the advancement of online education in our state.

    Value of Online Education

    Online education provides a myriad of benefits for students, offering personalized learning experiences tailored to individual needs and learning styles. With a diverse range of curriculum options and resources available, students can access a rich educational experience that may not be available in traditional brick-and-mortar classrooms. The flexibility of scheduling allows students to learn at their own pace and balance their academic pursuits with other commitments.

    Furthermore, online education encourages increased involvement and support from the whole family or student support systems. Parents and guardians have the opportunity to actively participate in their child’s education, providing guidance and support throughout their learning journey.

    Teachers also benefit from online education, as it opens up new avenues for professional growth and development. With virtual classrooms, teachers can explore innovative teaching methods, collaborate with colleagues from across the country, and make a meaningful impact on the lives of students.

    Additionally, increased access to online education can benefit local communities by bringing together resources and expertise from various parts of the country. This collaboration fosters a sense of shared knowledge and promotes the exchange of ideas, ultimately strengthening local communities and contributing to their growth.

    Goals and Current Barriers

    Our advocacy group has set clear goals for online education in our state. We aim to ensure equal access to quality education for all students, regardless of their geographical location or individual circumstances. By advocating for online education, we strive to create an educational environment that caters to the diverse needs and aspirations of students throughout our state.

    However, we face several obstacles that hinder the realization of these goals. Negative public perception surrounding virtual schools and the allocation of resources is a prevalent challenge. Some perceive online education as a threat to traditional schools, which fuels resistance and skepticism within the community. Additionally, concerns about lower graduation rates and academic integrity raise doubts about the efficacy of online education.

    To overcome these barriers, we need to address the concerns of the public and foster a better understanding of the benefits and value that online education can bring. By engaging in open dialogue and sharing research-backed evidence, we can dispel misconceptions and promote a more inclusive and comprehensive perspective on virtual schools.

    Solutions and Community Involvement

    To overcome the barriers we face, we can draw inspiration from successful solutions implemented by other schools and educational advocacy groups. By adapting these solutions to our specific context, we can forge a path towards positive change. For example, establishing clear regulations and quality standards, implementing robust support systems for students and teachers, and promoting transparency and accountability can help address concerns about graduation rates and academic integrity.

    We believe that community involvement is crucial for the success of our advocacy efforts. We invite individuals and community groups, such as business owners, parent/teacher associations, and athletic associations, to actively participate in advocating for online education. We recognize that people have different levels of availability and resources, so we offer a range of advocacy options. This includes opportunities for those with limited time or financial resources, as well as actions that can be taken individually or as part of larger groups. By working together, we can amplify our voice and create meaningful change.

    Communicating our Message

    We understand the importance of effective communication and engaging with the online community. Our “About Us” page aims to convey our message in a clear, concise, and accessible manner. We avoid educational jargon and acronyms, opting for plain language that is familiar to the public. We make our message applicable to the community we are appealing to, ensuring that it resonates with their interests and concerns. By keeping our content concise and easy to scan, we enable readers to quickly grasp the core ideas and value of online education.

    In conclusion, our online education advocacy group is committed to advocating for the value and benefits of online education in our state. We aim to address the negative public perception, overcome existing barriers, and create a collaborative and inclusive educational environment. By involving the community, we can collectively champion the cause of online education and pave the way for a brighter future for all students. Join us in this journey and be part of the transformative power of online education.

    Response Message:

    Dear Concerned Parent,

    Thank you for reaching out to us with your concerns about giving students in our state more access to online education. We understand your worries and want to address them in a thoughtful and informative manner.

    It is essential to recognize that offering online education as an option does not mean traditional schools will close. Online education complements traditional schooling by providing an alternative learning environment that caters to diverse student needs. It offers flexibility and personalized learning experiences that can be particularly beneficial for students with unique circumstances or learning styles.

    Regarding the concern about graduation rates and assessment scores, it is important to consider that online education, like any educational approach, requires proper support and resources to ensure student success. By implementing robust support systems, comprehensive curriculum, and teacher training, we can mitigate these challenges and improve student outcomes. Research has shown that with adequate support and engagement, students in online education programs can achieve academic success comparable to their peers in traditional schools.

    We invite you to support online education because of its numerous advantages. It promotes individualized learning, flexibility, and parental involvement. By supporting online education, you contribute to creating a more inclusive educational landscape that accommodates diverse student needs and aspirations.

    We encourage you to explore the research and evidence supporting online education’s value and success. Understanding the full picture will provide you with a comprehensive perspective on the benefits it offers. Our advocacy group is committed to disseminating accurate information and engaging in open dialogue to address concerns and misconceptions.

    As for your question about why we are pushing online schools, our goal is to ensure equal access to quality education for all students. By advocating for online education, we seek to create an educational environment that embraces the benefits of technology and personalized learning. We believe that by working together, we can bridge the gap and create opportunities for students that may not have been available otherwise.

    We would be happy to provide you with more information, resources, or even arrange a meeting to discuss your concerns further. Together, we can find common ground and work towards a comprehensive and inclusive educational system that benefits all students.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. We appreciate your engagement in this important conversation.


    [Your Name]

    [Online Education Advocacy Group]







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