This assessment requires you to review health, safety and wellbeing leading and lagging data from a case study provided or organisation you are familiar with. and make a short 15-minute presentation evaluating You are required to review the data, evaluate the current health, safety and wellbeing performance levels within the organisation and make recommendations for possible improvements in the future. The 15-minute presentation should include a power point presentation (or equivalent) and will be followed by a short 5 to 10-minute question and answer session.

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This assessment requires you to review health, safety and wellbeing leading and lagging data from a case study provided or organisation you are familiar with. and make a short 15-minute presentation evaluating
You are required to review the data, evaluate the current health, safety and wellbeing performance levels within the organisation and make recommendations for possible improvements in the future.
The 15-minute presentation should include a power point presentation (or equivalent) and will be followed by a short 5 to 10-minute question and answer session.


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This assessment requires you to review health, safety and wellbeing leading and lagging data from a case study provided or organisation you are familiar with. and make a short 15-minute presentation evaluating You are required to review the data, evaluate the current health, safety and wellbeing performance levels within the organisation and make recommendations for possible improvements in the future. The 15-minute presentation should include a power point presentation (or equivalent) and will be followed by a short 5 to 10-minute question and answer session.
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